NOW RELEASED - Shorts Sd3-30 / Sd3-60 and Sherpa project from Blackbox


It took me a little bit to figure it out, but you’ve got to place the .XML file into your SPAD.neXt/Profiles folder (Mine was under users/me/documents). Then you can click on the “edit event” and select “import.” From there, drill down to the actual multi-panel (or whatever instrument you want) and expand it. You’ll see the individual buttons there. Select what you want, and boom!


You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

I had a quick play around with APR, but couldn’t get that to work, so that is untouched, as is BC.

Have a look at the events where I have used the autothrottle switch on the multipanel to change behaviour. I use it to control which engine I am starting, and to control which HSI/CDI I am altering, with the display also switching to show either NAV1 or NAV2.

I have some of these features in a standard profile I start with as a default, as they work in almost all the planes I have. The biggest difference here was the non-default autopilot, so it had to be changed a lot.


Here’s a couple of repaints I am working on - All need to be finished off still.
Some are real world, some are factional for a VA I am with.



I just need to learn how to pack them, then I will upload them.


I’ll cut Evri some slack with my delayed parcels. :rofl:

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G-RNMO Short 330-200 cn SH3023 Air Ecosse East Midlands 02Apr86

I’m really hoping an Air Ecosse 330 makes it to the sim. This is the one I used to watch flying over my house as a kid on a summer’s evening on its way down to East Midlands from Edinburgh in the 1980’s, so I’ve finally discovered after doing some research on its livery.
Alternatively if someone could send me a link to where I can buy a Time Machine online I’d gladly go back and relive those better times !


Probably saw it myself, I’m about 15 miles east of the POL beacon in West Yorkshire. Love that Geronimo registration!

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Those days were indeed the best, I totally agree.

I’ll have a go at painting this.
I need to learn how to get the liveries all ‘packed up’ and set ready to share.
I have no idea at the moment.

I am just copying the stock livery folders and then adding the paints over the top, renaming and editing the files to suit.

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Would you like her in passenger or cargo config?

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I learned by copying what others have done - just download a Shorts livery from and copy the file structure and format.


Believe it or not, I did do that, but it would only show up as a pink aircraft lol.

I checked, and double checked I had all the files named and worded correctly, but I just couldn’t figure it out.

Pink textures are often the result of a mod conflict.


Ooh, if you’re able to have a go that would be fantastic, it’s not a side of the hobby I have any knowledge about.
From what I’ve discovered it used to be a passenger service they ran from EDI to EMA and back, so a passenger version would be great thank you.
I remember it used to fly over early evening around 6pm I’m guessing, probably up at around 8,000ft. One evening I waited for it’s distinctive turboprop drone with a pair of binoculars and only then could I make out the red and blue striped marking on the tail and forward part of the fuselage.
I still have it as a vivid image in my memory set against the clear blues sky, and remember the frustration of really, really wanting to be a pilot and be up there flying it.
I wasn’t familiar with the airline or its livery , and I’ve only just found out what it actually was all these years later.
It would be great through the pure magic of flight simulation to relive that moment !

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Has anyone had any success at trying to use their TDS 750 GTNXI in standalone mode with this plane? On many aircraft I simply use the GTN 750XI on a second monitor with an empty text file named “Standalone.txt” in the “C:\ProgramData\TDS\GTNXi” directory. However this planes autopilot seems to be 100% completely reliant on the default 400 GPS, almost as if the AP and GPS are one single gauge…

The AP won’t follow a flight plan in the 750 in ANY mode and the flight director seems to have the same bug from almost a year ago where it can’t figure out what NAV source is driving it…

Any info would be appreciated.

Incorrect - Pink textures are ONLY caused by a missing texture or error in the Path


Those are some fantastic looking liveries btw! Awesome work Matt, they look great.

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Thank you, another one for the old noggin to remember !

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Still some work to do yet, and some finishing touches.
She’s getting there!


Oh wow, that looks magnificent.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do that, you’ll be making a childhood dream a reality!