It took me a little bit to figure it out, but you’ve got to place the .XML file into your SPAD.neXt/Profiles folder (Mine was under users/me/documents). Then you can click on the “edit event” and select “import.” From there, drill down to the actual multi-panel (or whatever instrument you want) and expand it. You’ll see the individual buttons there. Select what you want, and boom!
I had a quick play around with APR, but couldn’t get that to work, so that is untouched, as is BC.
Have a look at the events where I have used the autothrottle switch on the multipanel to change behaviour. I use it to control which engine I am starting, and to control which HSI/CDI I am altering, with the display also switching to show either NAV1 or NAV2.
I have some of these features in a standard profile I start with as a default, as they work in almost all the planes I have. The biggest difference here was the non-default autopilot, so it had to be changed a lot.
I’m really hoping an Air Ecosse 330 makes it to the sim. This is the one I used to watch flying over my house as a kid on a summer’s evening on its way down to East Midlands from Edinburgh in the 1980’s, so I’ve finally discovered after doing some research on its livery.
Alternatively if someone could send me a link to where I can buy a Time Machine online I’d gladly go back and relive those better times !
Ooh, if you’re able to have a go that would be fantastic, it’s not a side of the hobby I have any knowledge about.
From what I’ve discovered it used to be a passenger service they ran from EDI to EMA and back, so a passenger version would be great thank you.
I remember it used to fly over early evening around 6pm I’m guessing, probably up at around 8,000ft. One evening I waited for it’s distinctive turboprop drone with a pair of binoculars and only then could I make out the red and blue striped marking on the tail and forward part of the fuselage.
I still have it as a vivid image in my memory set against the clear blues sky, and remember the frustration of really, really wanting to be a pilot and be up there flying it.
I wasn’t familiar with the airline or its livery , and I’ve only just found out what it actually was all these years later.
It would be great through the pure magic of flight simulation to relive that moment !
Has anyone had any success at trying to use their TDS 750 GTNXI in standalone mode with this plane? On many aircraft I simply use the GTN 750XI on a second monitor with an empty text file named “Standalone.txt” in the “C:\ProgramData\TDS\GTNXi” directory. However this planes autopilot seems to be 100% completely reliant on the default 400 GPS, almost as if the AP and GPS are one single gauge…
The AP won’t follow a flight plan in the 750 in ANY mode and the flight director seems to have the same bug from almost a year ago where it can’t figure out what NAV source is driving it…