NOW RELEASED - Shorts Sd3-30 / Sd3-60 and Sherpa project from Blackbox

You are very welcome.

I cant seem to line up the stripes going underneath the aircraft from the side of the fueselarge.

I have spent over an hour trying, but to no avail.

I have left the stripes on the fuselage only (for now).
I’ll update it as and when I know how :slight_smile:

It shouldn’t stop your enjoyment I hope.

I’ll try to somehow learn how to pack it all together, then I’ll upload it and let you know.


It’s ironic because previously I thought it was a completely white fuselage apart from the tails as it flew over head. It wasn’t until I managed to get the binoculars on it that I first saw those stripes on the front. I’ve still got the image in my head it was the front right I could see , it was almost directly overhead but just far enough off centre to see them…so no the underneath stripes don’t matter at all and strangely add to recreating my memory !
At least in my almost 40 year old memory of the event the stripes were only on the side, did they actually go all the way underneath and join up then ?
I didn’t know what airline it was at the time, all I knew is I wanted to be up there flying it. My friends had knowledge of football teams , but I had knowledge of different U.K. airlines , and air Ecosse wasn’t one I recognised, so it’s always intrigued me as to what it was.

Anyway I’m sorry to have hijacked this thread and your time with my rambling , but I’m extremely grateful for your work.
It’s just one of those childhood memories that has stuck with me and remained special to this day for some reason, perhaps you have something similar and can understand.


I can’t really find any good pictures from below the aircraft, but one picture did look like the stripes went all the way around the underneath. But to be honest, I am not 100% sure myself.

I am happy to be of help :slight_smile:

And it’s always good to hear some old school memories of aviation and the passion that comes from it, so please don’t apologise.


It would appear to me that although these stripe do wrap underneath the nose, they do Not seem to be continuous as the Gear Doors remain unpainted … thoughts ?

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Yes, you are correct.

Ahh, great picture! That shows the livery very well.

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Some nice Olympic liveries over at for the six aircraft they used on Aegean flights in the 1980’s. Great for island hopping…



You have to edit the aircraft file, plus the manifest and layout files so they point to the named livery texture files. I use “find and replace” in the layout files and it works well. There is an automated exe file to do this, but I can’t figure out how to use it! :slight_smile:

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Hi mate,

I am doing this, but each time it loads up all pink :smile:
I must be missing something, but I just can’t work out what.

Interesting, thanks :+1:

I second this livery

I finally managed to work it out!! :slight_smile:
It’s now uploaded, and you can get it here:

Sorry it’s not perfect, but I will update it as I learn more.


Just posting to appreciate the human repaint factory that is @Mattulong. :clap::clap: Just a shame I can’t fly until weekend… :expressionless:


Brilliant, thanks again Matt.
I’m currently overseas with my real world jet but can’t wait to get home and install this.

PS I tried to buy you a coffee via .to but my PayPal account is closed , is there another way to buy you a brew for your work ? Feel free to PM me if you use revolute or something similar.


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I normally make scenery, making liveries isn’t my usual ‘thing’, so I am sorry in advance if they aren’t too great.

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You are most welcome.

No, you don’t have to buy me a coffee, it’s done for the love of flightsim and the community.

I put the link in my posts as a force of habit. I never expect anybody to donate.

Your thanks is enough :slight_smile:

Your real world jet? You fly for a living?


Well I sit behind the autopilot of a 787 nowadays ,if you can call that flying, it’s not a proper aircraft like the SD330 :grinning:


Very nice! You’ve got to move with the times I guess, otherwise we would all be sat left behind.

But, I would do anything for just one last day in the late 80’s/early 90’s of aviation.


I uploaded a couple more of my liveries.

I hope you all enjoy them.

Lots more to follow tomorrow.