Nvidia 2080TI and PCI x16 slot

Does anybody else experiences issues with 2080TI and Fast PCI x16 slots? Constant blue screens. Went back to normal PCI slot. Just wondering if you have experienced the same.

motherboard Z390-A-PRO
MSI Nvidia 2080TI

your board have only two slots ( same type ) where you can plugin your 2080ti and you should use PCI_E1

PS: I assume you mean that you have a MSI board too

thanks, yes, I changed my card to E1 and get blue screens, went back to E4. Is there a noticaeble difference in performance? Just to moan about what I am missing. :frowning:

you should not get a bluescreen if all settings in bios are fine , your GPU is not faulty, you not broken your x16 port and drivers are correct installed.

But beside of this I expect maximal 5%-10% performance gap and this only in worst case :slight_smile: ( depend bit on your resolution )

In the image within your mainboard docu you can see that x4 run over the chipset.

Had similiar issues with an Z370 board last year. PCI Slot was broken/dead. But I never get out what exactly, got a new board from the dealer.

So if you are in warranty think about exchange if thats not to much work.

No issues for me, but that’s because I’m using MSI Z390-I… So I only have 1x slot of PCIE 3.0 with x16 lane anyway.

it is same for OP… therefore it is a good hint from @sehnsedahamses about warrenty.

OP has multiple slots since it’s an A motherboard. Mine’s a mini-ITX. Only 1 PCI slot, and 2 RAM slots. that’s it.

But I put i9-9900K, with RTX 2080 Ti, and 32GB RAM in it. Hahaha.

ah… that you mean… I was focused at “x16 slot” and he have also only one x16 slot, but yeah also an usable x4 Port :slight_smile:

As I wrote, I thing something seems faulty with its hardware.


By any chance, did you think of Chipset drivers?
since the PCI-16X port is managed by the CPU, this could be a cause …