[NVIDIA Control Panel] Enhanced graphic settings with preview

I was somewhat reluctant to add one more while there are already tons of postings tackling graphics…
In short, if you are unsatisfied with post-SU5 graphics, try this; go to “Adjust image settings with preview” menu and push the slide to the far right (quality) then push apply. This will immediately half the performance gain from SU5 but certainly bring unbelievably different level of graphic quality. Then it’s up to you rolling back for performance or not. Very simple, no hurt, and worth trying I believe.

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Tried it - sadly not 1 FPS gained or, indeed, lost. GPU and CPU Utilization remained pretty much the same too (the alt-tabbing and background processes causes a minor hit at least to CPU Utilization but to a very small degree); Render Latency stayed pretty well identical too.

OP is not for fps gaining… Rather it is about how to spend fps we earned from SU5 for better graphics.

What also could be done, or in addition to, is to adjust the desktop color parameters.

The very first thing i would say is to callibrate your monitor. ut it back to default (or not) and run the MS callibration tool. Which in my case, was showing to be completely off.

After this, if using an nvidia card. I went to “Adjust desktop color settings”. and did some small adjustments there.

Maybe this helps other in some adjustments.


Granted, but if my FPS hasn’t changed, and if anything to improve graphics will usually have a negative affect of FPS, then my total lack of FPS gain/loss (and the fact that it didn’t look any better) means, at least for me, that this didn’t have any effect at all.

Thanks for sharing valuable info…
Have good flying.

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Settings are case by case in MSFS. Wish you to find good solutions.

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