Nvidia Driver 528.49 Released Today FEB/8/2023

Nvidia Driver 528.49 Released Today FEB/8/2023. Nvidia Driver 528.49


This new Game Ready Driver provides the best day-0 gaming experience for the latest new
games supporting NVIDIA DLSS technology including Hello Neighbor 2 and PERISH.
Additionally, this Game Ready Driver supports Company of Heroes 3 and the latest update
for World of Warcraft which introduces support for NVIDIA Reflex

Fixed issues

Open issues

  • Toggling HDR on and off in-game causes game stability issues when non-native
    resolution is used.
  • Monitor may briefly flicker on waking from display sleep if DSR/DLDSR is enabled.
  • [Halo Wars 2] In-game foliage is larger than normal and displays constant flickering
  • [Steam version] Forza Horizon 4 may freeze after 15-30 minutes of gameplay
  • [GeForce RTX 4090] Watch Dogs 2 may display flickering when staring at the sky
  • Increase in DPC latency observed in Latencymon [3952556]
  • Adobe After Effects / Media Encoder – issues with ProRes RAW files
  • Adobe Premiere Pro application instability

Download https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/199654/


I downloaded the studio version and my computer froze when trying to start a flight on the Sim (3 times). I had to roll back to 528.24 which works fine,

I spoke too soon, I had one of my NVIDIA Settings incorrect. Once that was changed, 528.49 runs fine.

No issues so far - game ready ver.

NVIDIA Studio Driver vs. Game Ready Driver: which should I install?

All NVIDIA drivers provide full features and application support for top games and creative applications.

If you are a gamer who prioritizes day of launch support for the latest games, patches, and DLCs, choose Game Ready Drivers.

If you are a content creator who prioritizes stability and quality for creative workflows including video editing, animation, photography, graphic design, and livestreaming, choose NVIDIA Studio Driver.

If you are both a gamer and creator, choose Game Ready Drivers.

Source https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/creative-apps/26/296943/nvidia-studio-driver-vs-game-ready-driver-which-sh/

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Since updating yesterday, I have begun experiencing some “flashes” at the screen. I’ve changed monitors and the issue persists. I’ve reverted back to 528.02 - and the issue is still there.
No G-Sync or V-Sync enabled… So far, it’s only happening at MSFS2020…

If you reverted, and its still there, and you are certain that it wasn’t before then perhaps a setting got reset to default? When you installed, did you instruct it to do a “clean” install, where all customised application profiles in the driver are removed?

It seems to be the BLOOM - had turned it OFF - let’s see if it works better… Thanks!


With new 528.49 driver on RTX 2070 Super and 4K and most settings ULTRA, my fps just went up from 60+ to 90+ ! Then later settled in the 75-85 range (DLDSR 2.25 and DLSS) …

Oh, never mind, it was the TLOD being set lower now back to 60 …

I still do quite good for an RTX 2070 Super and 4K … :nerd_face:


Works well on my end :
2060 super 8GB
i7 10700
nvcp default settings
hags off
1440p @ 165 hz


Windows 10 or 11?

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Compatible with both versions. :+1:

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Yes bloom with DX12 gives me the same problems. Maybe that should been reported, because I’ve read this more times before.

Windows 10

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Could you elaborate on that “one setting”? I’ve had 9/10 flights hang the PC and tonight it hung during taxi, then in another go, it hung a minute after hitting Fly :frowning:. At least this time I got a BSOD after sitting staring aghast at the PC for a few minutes.

I’ve since reinstalled this game-ready driver and I’ve just completed a 3hr flight, the longest departure to arrival this year.

So, can you elaborate on that setting, just in case it’s something good to know. Cheers!

I somehow checked the box to allow G sync in windowed mode. Once I unchecked that , everything worked fine.