Nvidia driver download not working

Just been to my normal page at Nvidia to check for new driver updates for my GTX1080Ti, and it’s gone bonkers. Link is Download The Latest Official GeForce Drivers

Now it is only listing:

  • drivers up to December 13th 2021 (472.84)
  • Studio Drivers. Game drivers gone completely.

This is my normal routine search I’ve done a thousand times in the past, but suddenly it is very broken today.

Anyone else seeing the same?

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That’s strange. I downloaded it a couple of hours ago without issue. I just went back to their site and it showed the most current driver again, like it did earlier for me.
My “search” was exactly like yours except for “English (US)”…cause that’s important! :grinning: :grinning:
I cleared out cookies from their site and went back in and got the current driver listed again.

You could try to download the Driver from here. Nvidia Driver 531.41


Try via https://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk


My go to browser is Chrome, and this displays this problem, even after I clear cookies and force a full page refresh.

However, Firefox on the same machine shows the correct lastest drivers.

So this is a Chrome issue.

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I’d managed to grab it meantime using Firefox.

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Right on. :+1:
Hope you have good luck with it. So far it’s working good for me. :cowboy_hat_face: