I sometimes suffer from graphics flying.
I found out that Nvidia runs the experience in the background.
I found out by accident.
the standard key combination for autopilot on and off. keys combination ALT - Z. or all other combinations with this
if I turn off Nvidia experience I get worse 4-K graphics.
is there anyone with this same problem and or has a solution for this
this is funny… I changed a very long time ago the default Keybinding for within “Shadowplay”… you should simple do same. If you need these Video-Recorings then simple set other key-binding.
sorry i have not been clear enough.
I am bothered by the Nvidia experience program, i think?
if I turn off Nvidia experience. the image no longer stutters.
I do get a lower resolution. from 3840 * 2160 to 2516 * 1600.
maybe it’s another problem. this is what i found. for me this is the problem.
it started after the last update. then i thought it’s my system it’s too slow.
the system:
gygabyte board 3.6 Ghz Z390 Gaming. I7 9900K, 16Gb Ram and a ssd as drive
displaycard Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660+, joystick logitech exdtreme 3d pro
it is not the fastest system but still good enough I think?
help me what am I doing / see wrong?
For 4K you need of course mainly high end… but currently MSFS doesnt profit in same way from the newest ( and very expensive ) cards as other games.
Also, in worst case, you need then another power supply etc… so, don’t buy things “to quick”
At first: Let us know how the Render-Scaling works
PS.: be aware… in this moment are lots of MS Servers down… don’t wonder.
I tried to change what you asked. please look at the attachments.
i changed the frame rate limit. I think you mean this ?
I only have a choice of 60 and 20. Strange for me?
i mis understand it. i do not understand very good English.
i put the render scaling to 50.
flying is now also going better.
the plane regularly bank to the right. not anymore now.
rending scaling put the resolution now to 1980 not higher.
is this normal ?
yes, I mean the “RENDER SCALING” value : 50…60… try what you PC is able to handle and what is looking good for you
What do this setting:
If you not use native screen resolution, then your image becomes often kind of blury. To avoid that, you can set that the game use your full native monitor resolution, but render the in-game sceneries with a lower resolution and let later scaling it to your native resolution. This safes a lot of graphics-power and the result is very often not bad. One note: if you stay at 50 , you can try whether your monitor do this job better. Because you have a full 4K monitor , the resoultion of Full-HD ( 1920x1080 ) can very good scaled. Then, in theory, it should be same that you set RENDER SCALINNG:100 , but SCREEN RESOLUTION to 1920x1080. But, it is theory,… nobody know how these code is implemented
Vsync setting is for syncing your PC with your Monitor… The Graphicscards waits, if the monitor can not show the images faster, result: no Tearing and not feel of stutters.
I assume you have a 60fps 4K monitor. Then let the value at 60, because there is currently a Vsync Bug.
Related to your GXT1660 it might be good choice to lower some settings.
Here is a HowTo Thread which explain a bit the settings ( follow it for discussions thread ).
But be aware:
change things step by step
always change only one setting and try it
search for GPU relevant settings
I recommend the reversed way:
– that you start with the MEDIUM Pre-Set and slowly increase some settings to High
I have tried these settings. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but while flying I lost control of the joystick.
i look at my performance and it shows(gtx1660) that of my 6Gb, 5Gb goes up to these settings.
my intel processor also runs at 98%. ram memory then needs 13Gb of the 16Gb
done a reset
and set the render to 50.then I only need (GTX1660)4Gb of the 6Gb and the intel processor runs at 65%. ram memory then needs 10Gb of the 16Gb. with these settings I keep control of my joystick.
wat is wrong with me or my computer???
it stopped to work but game itself runs furthermore ?
This is correct.
Any kind of USB-Hub in middle ?
I have no extern usb hub.
AND: Important if you have 16Gig RAM. Please increase your windows virtual memory. Set 4 Gig Min and 20 Gig Max.
( values : 4000 and 20000 )
i have orderd new ram. i will this between 4 and 20 Gb do.
and i will wait when i have my ordered memory
tried to set the virtual memory differently from 4 to 20 GB.
now i have the next information.
see attached picture.
now the intel processor has a little more rest.
Your GPU runs at high load ( don’t be confused with the 8% , see the temperature . If you would see the correct GPU load, you must choose another graphics engine within the detail page of the GPU ) .
thanks for answering.
after all this I am also rid of my stuttering image. I cannot wait for my ordered memory.
can I leave the virtual memory after placing the ordered memory?
the settings from 4 to 20Gb is it not going to cause problems with windows / msfs?
with the new 32Gig RAM you can set the virtual memory setting back to windows-default. But you can also let it as it is, it cause no issues. With these setting you reserve allways 4Gig which windows can use as “additional RAM” in case the system need it and it can increase this up to 20Gig Max. Thus is like as would you have 32 + 20 Gig RAM installed , where second part is dynamic. If windows not need that, it would not use it.
If you not sure what you want to do: set it on windows default