Since SU 5 like many others, I have been experiencing CTDs. For the most part, I think I would have dealt with most of these issues. I had one speculation however that Nvidia Geforce experience was causing the sim to crash when I’m recording the screen. I ran some tests and was able to confirm this. Has anyone had this issue?
Just delete it. I did and it helped a lot (a few months ago)
must admit I just update and don’t include the ‘experience’ component
Well id kinda not want to delete it as its the easienst way i know to record my flights so i can edit. I use obs studio… but this is much easier. So if i can find a work around will be nice. And the program itself isn’t causing the crashes only when i start recording with it
I also get crashes occasionally when starting a video recording with GEForce Experience, but taking a screenshot is fine which all I use it for.
Maybe see if the XBox Game Bar can do what you need then bin off the NVidia software?
now, this means it is not geforce experiance which causing the ctd, as your heading stated.
In case you use Shadowplay , where I hope you have disabled continues ‘highlight’-recordings, an additional chip is used and these produce => heat.
I use geforce experiance shadowplay since ages and there was never an issue. It have near zero performance impact, in contrast to OBS. I use OBS in cases where I need more flexibility with the settings, sound channels, etc.
In case you have these XBox Stuff installed, check that you not recorde twice. These XBox Stuff have a similar continues recording feature like g.exp.
Well i have never had an issue b4 and i use geforce experience not shadowplay
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you use geforce experiance for recording videos… and this tool do that with the so called “shadowplay” - feature
If you assume an bug in G.Exp./shadowplay, the hint from @TenPatrol is what is to do then: report a bug against nvidia.
I use GE for recording video, and I’ve never had a crash I could attribute to it.
Crashing very often when recording with Nvidia Shadowplay and OBS since SU5 too. If not recording all is fine. Tried to change the encoder but no luck…
If you crash with usage of shadowplay please check the GPU temps… shadowplay use the encoder chips and this bring of course more heat onto the gpu.
If you use OBS you can switch from hardware decoder to the software (cpu) decoder. My experiance is that OBS generates in general a bit more load , independent of the encoder, but its just much more flexible.