Nvidia Hotfix Driver Version 572.24

Please use this thread to discuss the NVIDIA Hotfix Driver 572.24

GeForce Hotfix Display Driver version 572.24 is based on our latest Game Ready Driver 572.16

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  • [Windows 11 23H2] When exiting Final Fantasy XVI, PC may freeze

Click here to download the GeForce Hotfix display driver version 572.24 for Windows 10 x64 / Windows 11 x64.

1 Download Nvidia Hotfix 572.24


2 Uninstall the current NVIDIA driver using DDU in windows safe mode.

3 After the restart, install the downloaded hotfix driver.

If you want to have the latest DLSS 4 without installing the Nvidia app and DLSS Swapper, the recommended tweak is still using Nvidia Profile Inspector and editing 5 options, which I have described step-by-step below.

I decided to share what I did to get the latest DLSS models without using the Nvidia app, replacing game files or adding extra XML files.

  1. I downloaded the latest Nvidia Profile Inspector (version from GitHub.
  2. I ran Nvidia Profile Inspector as an administrator and, in the Global Profile, set 0x00000001 for the following settings:
  • Enable DLSS-FG override (for 5000 and 4000 series Nvidia GPUs)
  • Enable DLSS-SR override
  • Enable DLSS-RR override
  1. set 0x00FFFFFF for the following settings:
  • Override DLSS-RR preset
  • Override DLSS-SR presets

  1. I clicked Apply changes in the top right corner to confirm the changes.

FYI, FG-override is for 5000 and 4000 series Nvidia GPUs.


Is there any reason we should have this driver version in MSFS/MSFS2024?

FYI, it looks like NVIDIA has fixed CTD during loading MSFS 2020 with Directx 11 and NVIDIA app installed.


Wonder if this one adds DLSS 4 without the need of using the swapper.

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Dlss4 is already added via software with 572.16 drivers and it can activated in new Nvidia app.

So no need for the swapper?

There is nothing shocking improved to download and install this hotfix driver.
I will stay with the 566.36 version.


What? LOL
It looks like NVIDIA has fixed CTD during loading MSFS 2020 with Directx 11 and NVIDIA app installed.

Of course, CTDs may still occur on some hardware configurations, and that wouldn’t be surprising since every system is different. In any case, I’m not experiencing CTDs, but that doesn’t mean others won’t.


Not interesting for me personaly.

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If you’re not interested, that’s fine, but don’t say this driver doesn’t improve anything. It fixes CTDs, so it actually improves a lot.


Hmmm. I had to use the swapper to download DLSS 4.

I am not interested in the 572.24 driver, so why i should be interested in the hotfix.
I download a new driver when i does do what i expect it will do.
Until that time i stay with the 566.36 version.
So for me there was nothing shocking about this hotfix.

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Speculation. Only install unofficial drivers if they explicitly mention your issue in the changelog. Don’t experiment just because some self-proclaimed ‘tech shaman’ told you to. Use common sense, guys.


They don’t need to write about every fix. The important thing is that I tested it and I no longer have CTD when loading MSFS 2020 with DX11 while having Nvidia app installed.
So I’m not speculating - I verified it myself.

Of course, CTDs may still occur on some hardware configurations, and that wouldn’t be surprising since every system is different. In any case, I’m not experiencing CTDs, but that doesn’t mean others won’t.

Please keep conversations and comments respectful folks!

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Installing unofficial drivers comes with risks. Even if it fixes one thing (which I doubt anyhow), it often breaks something else. These drivers are unsupported. Forum managers should take action to prevent the spread of such proposals—other examples include swapping DLL files, altering the simulator’s map data source, hacking the system registry, etc.

I’ve been an FSX, Prepar3D, and MSFS developer for two decades, and we never had this many complaints caused by questionable hacks promoted by snake oil salesmen. In the end, the spread of this ‘alchemy’ also complicates Asobo’s work and harms the product’s reputation.


I haven’t updated Drivers in awhile due to the Freeze caused with the Fenix A320 on DX12 when popping out displays.

Wondering if anyone knows if these latest drivers resolve the issue.

556.12 is the “latest” that I’m aware of that doesn’t have the issue.

This is where i waiting for as a 4000 series user!
Promesses from Nvidia about there new DLSS 4.0 holy grail.


There is also a 566.36 version driver have you tested that one?

The 572.24 and 572.16 drivers are the new drivers that supporting more ore less DLSS 4.0