I am just curious if anyone has tweaked anything in Nvidia. As I’m currently using an RTX 2070 super with an I9 9900kf and 32gm ram. I still get stuttering and lag especially when its rainy ?
I leave all my Nvidia to default and tweak in game settings until I reach my desired results and you need to lower your clouds resolution from ultra to high.
I run an rtx2060super i7 10700k on a 3440x1440 monitor and volumetric clouds on ultra is a big performance hit, even high takes some performance but nowhere as bad.
On a clear day it lightens my gpu load a lot.
Tbh these mid tier rtx20 series cards are starting to show their age and the sim ran better when su5 was out.
I have similar setup to yours.
i9 10900 locked
RTX 2070 super
32 gb ram
I had stutters mainly when panning around inside cockpit or outside the plane. I wound up locking my frames per second to 35 in the nvidia control panel, which made a big difference. Stutters almost completely gone. At 35 fps it’s as smooth as it ever needs to be.
Hi, Just a pointer really as I have similar card 2070, and I just looked at my monitor and cables to get the game to run smooth regardless of the fps, depending what your hardware specs are, but for myself I enabled freesync in the monitor, and using a highspeed display port cable I enabled gsync in the Nvidia control panel, changed a few other settings and I get a really smooth experience, yes fps drop in heavy mist and clouds, city area but it is still smooth with nice 33/38fps.