NVIDIA RTX 4090, 3 screens, 4K issue!

NVIDIA RTX 4090, 3 screens, 4K issue.
Lets get back to 2004. Then I received my first computer, everything was pretty easy to instal. You just download the game and its .exe file (the icon) appears on your desktop, you double click it and it runs. Nowadays instead of plug n play peripherals and pc components you have to search for hours until you get your instruments working or your pc components reach the expected performance. Lets head to the real issue. Few days ago I bought new PC (NVIDIA 4090, i9-13900, 64 RAM) in order to run MSFS 2020 on 4K on 3 screens. When I started the game the FPS was around 28-32
 started asking friends and looking in the internet for hours until I found few settings that had to be adjusted. Finally raised it to 70 FPS.
So I have two questions:

  1. What PC / Video setting should I adjust more in order to gain more FPS?
  2. Why everything related to PC has to be so difficult? Why this RTX 4090 doesn’t work by just plug n play? Why I, as a normal user, completely unfamiliar with all computer stuffs, person who has bought this things just because of his pilot education, should know how to adjust such settings? If somebody buys such graphic card, his expectations are higher performance, so why the manufacturer reduced them by disabling many options increasing its productivity and making us wasting time seeking for them in the whole web?
    My PC specifications are below. Thanks in advance.

  1. Computer

  2. Peripherals

  3. Software

  4. Computer
    1.1. NVIDIA RTX 4090 24GB
    1.2. I9 – 13900KF 48 Cores
    1.3. 64GB DDR5 RAM Memory
    1.4. 2TB SSD

  5. Peripherals
    2.1. 3x 4k UHD Samsung TV 50 inch.
    2.2. AOC Monitor 24 inch.
    2.3. HOTAS Warthog Flight Stick
    2.4. Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant
    2.5. Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder Pedals
    2.6. 2x Asus Free Bezel Kit
    2.7. RealSimGear GMA 350 Audio Panel
    2.8. Logitech Multi Panel
    2.9. Logitech Switch Panel
    2.10. 2x Logitech Radio Panel
    2.11. Track IR + Track Clip Pro
    2.12. Ipad Air 4th Generation
    2.15. Headphones, Keyboard, Mouse

  6. Software
    3.1. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Deluxe
    3.2. Air Manager
    3.3. SPAD.neXt
    3.4. Track IR
    3.5. VAT Spy
    3.6. vPilot
    3.7. Navigraph Simulink
    3.8. AuthentiKit Tunning APP

Have you thought about VR for a minute?

Holy moly, what a hassle


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That is a heck of a setup there! Certainly above “plug-n-play” I think so I would expect to have to do some serious tuning. My setup has taken me ages to tweak just to get usable FPS, triple screens again, I tried 4K but the 3080ti just could not do it so went down to 1440p instead.

I don’t think anyone goes PC just for ‘easy’, its a trip into the world of options

@sehnsedahamses About the VR, I wouldn’t use it at all, I won’t be able to use the instruments properly and to fill the flight documents by pen, it won’t be realistic. VRs are for gamers not for pilots, otherwise vr would have been used in the real sims for educational purposes as well


@DaveJK9173 well I found some options as gpu scheduling and increasing the performance of the card from it’s 3d settings and putting the dlss on quality mode, and these three options raised my fps from 30 to 70-90

That sounds good, I would love 70-90 on my setup :wink:

First of all i would dissable the right and left view for now
Focus on mainscreen and set zoom level in user interface under camera setting in general option to 95 up to 100% this reduces the fisheye feeling and make things real looking natural specially on those big screens on your (realÄșy good looking setup btw).
After you have done this translate view to your liking and feeling good setup so forward more to windshield backwards to see edges of cockpit on screen, left to get more perspective from pilot seat, right to get pespective from co pilot seat.
When your satisfied with this with left shift and arrow keys set view direction bit to left or right to get the nose of the airplane pointing to center to the screen, depending if you seat on the left or the right
Now when your all set this than add right and left screen one by one, and you will find it follow mainscreen pretty narrow if set degree of angle which you can alter in experimental settings of general options, and make small corrections to lateral.

What the point of this way of setting is, that it is all feels and looks more right in perspective
You still have full control with translate ingame and no fish eye view
When later you decide to at headtracking it is already set for it and you wil have a steady stable rig
With visual thats finger likking awesome.

Happy safe landings and good luck with your study

Just a general pointer - any setting of the main camera option other than 50% totally wrecks the custom camera save and vfr pilot position save options when in-sim. Far better to set the main camera to 50% and then adjust when in-cockpit for each plane as required - the save function works perfectly then. :wink:

You might be right but not my experience, and with periphals like topic author has, and programmed well, than you can thrust your periphals or devices to work right and on 100% zoom you can notice input in flight behaviour.
If not your rig has not the right settings for what is the point to have devices coupled if you have to convince your mind with your eyes for confirmation of a button or switch flipped over.
It would not be much of a simulator if this is needed to call upon pre saved viewpoint wouldnt it.
A pilot has to thrust a switch to work other wise it would be called a defect and the plane should be towed away to maintenance. If you decide to take to the sky you would lose licence

But you are right if you fly with a single or dual screen than i would say yeah 50 up to 75 % zoom level

View is easy to test by running round the view from where you sit in sim and see all else follow just dont set freelook speed to high on percentage. to see what im talking about

It is and there where actually not, it will, soon.


And I dare to predict that even in professional flight simulators, the far better than flat but nevertheless imperfect dome projection will soon be replaced by VR/AR.

With AR training, already in use by military, you can combine the irreplaceable benefits of 360 degree view and depth perception with the ability to operate „real“ instrumentation.

VR rulez and I can only recommend anyone to give it at least a try.

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