NX Cub Nose wheel doesn't turn

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Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version? - Microsoft

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Brief description of the issue: - NX Cub nose wheel doesn’t turn. The aircraft turns, but the nosewheel doesn’t caster. This is still the case with at least one of the original default aircraft as well. the Bonanza, I think. That one is still doing it, so I don’t expect this one to be fixed.

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Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: Update 7

Hm, I flew this yesterday and didn’t notice any specific problems. Will check again some time.

Yep the plane turns fine but no animation on the wheel itself.

So it’s a cosmetic visual issue only?

Minimum 10 character answer: Yes

Hmm. Doesn’t turn for me, if at all. Very stiff.

It appears that the nose wheel shock absorber also doesn’t animate.

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maybe you have the wheellock on?

I did another flight, no problems using Logitech rudder pedals via spad.next. Turned just fine on the ground, no unexpected behavior.

Please read above. It turns fine, but the nose wheel doesn’t swivel.


Nope. tried it.