Hello. I created this topic because I haven’t seen anything like it already reported here and that is open and being voted on.
I would like to report flickering objects throughout the MSFS environment. Paid scenarios, freeware scenarios, default scenarios, it doesn’t matter. The lights are flashing, poles and objects are moving along with other textures, as if the anti-aliasing was turned off.
More information:
Microsoft Flight Simulador from MS Store - PC
RTX 3060 12GB graphic card
I7 8770k 3.7 ghz
32 gb ram
Full HD monitor (Resolution 1920x1080)
Antialiasing 16X (controlled via NVIDIA control panel) and 8X8
I have tested without any config on NVIDIA control panel (with it default) and with my settings. Nothing changes.
I have tested on airports from different makers and from different contries. Even inibuilds, MK Studios and Asobo ones. Nothing changes.
I have tested trying to change my monitor refresh rate. Nothing changes.
The ONLY thing that manages to REDUCE a little bit this issue, it trying to change the RENDER SCALING. The problem continues, but it reduces. And this is a FPS killer.
I find it interesting that even with a FULL HD monitor the simulator seems to be running with antialiasing off. I reported this to some people and they confirmed that they have this and that they solved the problem either by buying another monitor or considerably increasing render scaling.
Videos (recorded with RENDER SCALING = 100)
1- https://youtu.be/XxU7bXaVjJw?si=NIPIgPVC_urAzylJ
2- https://youtu.be/BD3h9S1-eNM?si=gPSZxiwyIntXovpK
3- https://youtu.be/hwrE8Gq3A0Y?si=p7Od2K6nceyiP_lQ
4- https://youtu.be/BPHL77m73qM?si=xyQFDvR5mzv3brj1
I really hope there’s a fix for that or that this is a known issue.
Unfortunately,TAA and shimmering is an issue in both 1080p and 1440p. There’s no one setting that will fix the issue; the only thing that will reduce the shimmering is increasing the render scale.
But is that a MSFS problem? Other games/simulators have that problem? Is that expected to get fixed or it can be fixed? We had that issue like 1 year ago or that happened after some update? @B787Pilot3222
I much prefer the way DLSS with DLAA Supersampling looks. Especially if you use the DLL Swapper app (Google DLSS Swapper, it’s on GitHub) to update to the latest revision of the DLSS algorithm.
I was using DLSS then SU14 came I had aircraft lights flickering like crazy. I switched back to TAA and the problem went away.
To me it’s exactly the other way round. If I use TAA, I get a lot of flickering in buildings, poles, etc. If I use DLSS/DLAA, I don’t get any flickering, but annoying wakes in moving objects and ghosting in changing numbers on displays.
I’m the same. May I ask what the reason is
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Hello everyone
I have the problem with the MSFS 2024 that the city lights flicker with TAA.
Does anyone know the problem with the new sim?
hi guys crazy how in 2024 we still see these artifacts with increasingly performing video cards… could someone help me (if there is a solution) to solve this? (see photo) I tried everything only with TAA it reduces a little but I also have ghosting effect… Asobo are you working on this?
Sky colours leaking through edge of terrain and trees i reported this in here, if you want to contribute to the post, feel free. This was an issue in a patch in msfs2020, but asobo fixed it, so im surprised that this came back in msfs2024
This is just a shot in the dark but after I changed the “Turbulence” level to the lowest level in MSFS 2024 settings, the city lights and other objects started flickering. After I changed it back to “Realistic,” the flickering went away. I’m using an Xbox X.
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Does anyone know why the lights of the cities in TAA flicker in MSFS 2024 and why this is not the case in DLSS?
Nvidia 4080
Is it possible to just know if this has been reported? and if it will also be resolved in the following months?