Oculus Link in-game suddenly glitching, not connecting and/or showing very low fps

My last flight was on december 19th, but when I got back in the VR cockpit today everything was glitching out.

On first try everything was normal, but then after around 30 secs in the cockpit my fps dropped from 30-ish to 18 to 5 fps. Putting the headset off, I could see the fps becoming normal again in-game (on my monitor). However, putting on the headset (e.g. reconnecting to MSFS again) everything was flickering and the fps was 1-2 fps suddenly.

Restarting the headset (while remaining in-game) resulted in all of Oculus Links menus glichting, flickering black and white and seemingly being completely unable to see the VR cockpit in my Quest 2 again. Exiting MSFS immediately solved these Oculus Link issues.

The only thing I think I changed after my last flight was swapping DLSS with DLSS Swapper, but I already rolled this back after I experienced these issues the first time. To no avail, unfortunately.

GTX 4070ti
1TB M.2

Already tried:
Updating Oculus
Different aircraft and airports
Rolling back graphics card driver
Different DLSS Swapper versions

Only odd thing I notice is OculusServer using quite a bit of GPU power (20-30%) sometimes. Might this have something to do with it?

What could possibly be the issue? Normally I’m quite good at solving these issues…

I have a less powerful GPU than yours. I run a 10700K with a 3080. Forgoing all the tweaks and things i do to get a constant experience, I could suggest one small thing that you may or may not be doing that could help.

in oculus debug tool head down to asynchronous space warp. what ever setting it is on just change it and then change it back to what ever you want.

Make sure you are in VR in MSFS when doing this. Also Take the head set off and then put back on again. (This kind of refreshes it as the screens go off when you take the headset off.)

After you have done this you should ensure for ASW that you are either disabled or force 45fps, ASW Disabled (yes even if you are running 80 or 72hz modes)

Hope this helps. in the second photos is a couple of settings you can also try for additional frames and clarity if not doing already

Flew this morning with link Cable. Everything fine as before. I don’t do all those set/unset, take headset on /off gymnastics outlined above either. I also run with ASW 45fps forced which gives me the smoothest flying which I set once I enabled Quest Link via ODT. (also contra to the stuff posted above).

Everyone’s mileage varies.

Thanks both for your comments.

I don’t think it’s a small tweak that will fix this, because everything has been working fine for a year. It seems as if the connection between MSFS and Oculus is bugged out, because MSFS even starts glitching in 2D mode when connecting my headset to Oculus Link.

Indeed it does… i’ve been having the same issues as the original poster, having had set up a nice flight in vr, a couple of days later the settings were not giving the same result as before… it’s just like it has a mind of it’s own. Still cannot find the fault/issue… i’m just guessing my pc and headset are temperemental at times, whereas 2d is mostly flawless, running at 1/3rd the framerate, nearly everything on ultra on a 3440x1440 monitor (75hz) and an old GTX1080 (and yeah, i know, i know… but it’s just funny how vr works one day, then the other day it’s not upto the same “lower vr” standard i set it to with properly readable instruments in the same airplane)

@TheOnlyR3x, i’m just wondering if you already took the Nvidia Geforce Experience out of the equation, as i’ve had issues with it before in trucksims, where it would revert to different settings, even though i hadn’t hit the “optimize” button at all. Now i’m not using Gforce Experience anymore and i haven’t had games display much differently since. Also check your nvidia control panel settings, if you haven’t already. Your setup is ample enough to run msfs better than mine. Also check if you have the usb power saving settings turned off.

Best of luck,


Do you use a cable for Link?
If so, maybe try Air Link (for testing purposes) to see if you still get the same effect?

there is a problem with a win11 security update.
Dont know if youre in win 11.
Had the same and this helped me.

Good luck!!

Usually means your msfs VR settings are too high and/or you are using experimental DX12 with HAGS and maybe frame gen with your PC 2d. When I recently tried all that I found I needed to drop my tlod/olod down to 120/100 plus any ultra settings down to high in order to get stability in VR. For VR I’ve found it best to stick with dx11 and to disable HAGS.

Mine works fine with the latest nvidia driver using DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall the previous driver beforehand. Also, all nvidia control panel global 3D settings all defaults except power = prefer max performance and change the Quality default below that to High Performance.

I added the dlss 3.5 file manually into my Steam installation folder (dlssG was already 3.5 with su14 btw) but I don’t see any differences, maybe just placebo for most VR users imho.

This was all with my Q2/Q3/QPro/rtx4090, which all work great (esp. nice low latency) with Link. Oculus desktop app at 80Hz with res slider full right (maybe a couple of notches less with your 4070ti). ODT all defaults/zeroes except distortion low and encoding bitrate 500mbps.

Also, run the oculus desktop app device usb speed test and make sure you are getting around 2.4Gbps. If not, try another usb3 port. It also helps to disconnect any unnecessary usb devices so you don’t run out of usb bandwidth. I even find it helps a little bit to temporarily disable my PC Bluetooth.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I will certainly try some of those. I don’t get glitching as often as I used to before increasing my internet speed with Comcast to 1 GBps. My service goes through the cable modem then via Ethernet to my router and wirelessly to my PC and wirelessly to my Oculus Quest 2. It’s usually 400-500 MBps at the router and more like 350-420 MBps at my PC. However in the evening when there is a lot more demand because of increased traffic and the speed at my PC/Quest 2 drops below 250 MBps I get “glitching”.

The problem as everyone is saying in this thread is probably multi factorial and not just internet speed. So, I’ll try some of the things you’ve all suggested. If anyone has more insight, please don’t hesitate to comment.

I am having the same problem too. I tried everything, even DX11 with HAGS off etc. Even if I quit the VR session, the Oculus Home is getting super suttery. On other forums, I read that Oculus Home window has to be highlighted and active, or even running some logs console from Oculus Debug Tool, and keeping that window active. It used to work so well with 2070 Super and now it is complete garbage. MS please fix this for us.

On many forums you can read a lot of things but this doesn’t mean they’re true, lol! There is no need to have the Oculus app or ODT window highlighted (or the console).

Both myself with rtx4090 and a buddy with a rtx3090 are having a great time with Link and msfs (both using the official link cable connected to a usb3.2 type-c port).

If you can run other apps with Link ok you should be able to run msfs ok with your 2070s (maybe on low-med settings. It’s a good idea to get these running well before jumping into msfs imho. Also perform the oculus desktop app device usb speed test to make sure you’re getting at least 2.2Gbps. If not, try a different port and/or cable.

With your 2070s and the oculus desktop app I’d suggest setting the device settings to 72Hz refresh rate with the res slider around mid-point (1.0x) to start off with. All ODT settings defaults/zeroes except Distortion = Low and encoding bitrate, mbps = 500.

Use the latest nvidia driver and DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall the previous driver beforehand (google how to do this). The nvidia control panel global 3D settings all default except power = prefer max performance and change the Quality default below that to High Performance. Also, avoid installing Geoforce Experience and any gpu overclocking software.

With msfs start out with dllss/balanced, sharpening = 100, rear projection on. Rest at medium settings to start off with. Also, leave HAGS disabled, turn game mode off, and use dx11.

Anyway, I hope this helps mate. Your 2070s isn’t a very powerful gpu for msfs but I think you should still be able to get decent results with it.

I have been struggling with similar issues since the release of 2024. Oculus Link is outdated and buggy. and MSFS 2024 is full of release bugs. It’s perfermance is all over the place. Both matched together is an ustable experience. Alternatively Virtual Desktop (3rd party paid app) performs much better than Oculus Link and more stable. At least you can eliminate one of the odds. There seems to be no exact solution currently but what I have found so far is lovering the bitrate to 500 helped a bit.

In MSFS though have a strategy to go from the lowest possible to higher settings one by one. The most taxing settings are the resolution, resolution scale, trees and lods.

On some session I may get very smooth experience but even with the same settings and nothing change I may have a disaster. All the flickering is mostly related with the Oculus Link and unstable performance is related with MSFS.

We will scratch our heads too much until we get a patch from Asobo.