I have a problem with running MFS2020 on my computer:
I7 9900
16GB Ram,
RTX 2080 super
I bought MFS on steam. I am running first oculus link app, then steam vr from oculus “library”.
Unfortunately, game works smoothly only on lowest config possible.
I guess it’s that because there is too many apps/layers involved in that process.
I read about OpenXR, microsoft mixed reality etc. I was wondering if that is possible to pair oculus quest with MFS2020 without steamvr, and that weird oculus enviroment?
You don’t need to run MFS2020 via steam VR. You just need the oculus App and MFS2020 running. Just make sure to allow unknown sources in oculus and selected Beta testing. I’m having my own performance issues with the quest 2 running on MFS2020, the refresh rate drops to around 30 Hz which is unplayable.
Hi, there is a good tutorial on utube https://youtu.be/vGwkgHKfjHw , shows how to tweak VR settings in MSFS2020 . Unfortunately, looks like most people who haven’t got rtx 3000 cards have to run on Low Settings (London) or Medium settings for Donegal or Lukla which are less demanding in VR.