Oculus Rift S - Lens distortion

So I have the sim on steam, and tried VR yesterday. I just started the flight sim and turned on vr, went with the default settings and tried it out.
Unfortunately for me the performance was not good at all with those settings, far too low framerate for VR. And it looked pretty awful, low-res and pixelated. Much worse than other games when you know how sharp things can look.
But it probably takes some fiddling with the settings, and my machine might be too weak.

But one thing that really annoyed me was that there was some form of lens distortion that I haven’t seen in other games. When I looked around, objects in my outer field of vision seemed to distort and become bigger/smaller. Everything felt off, and felt like my “character” was moving around his whole body when I just turn my head.
Did anyone else experience the same thing?

I only tested one plane, but I have to also say that the scale of things felt a little odd, and I did not feel even close to as immersed as I can be in other games.

My PC: RTX 2070 Super, i7 10700K, 32GB DDR4, 1TB M.2 SSD

Yes, I’ve seen this, but only when the openXR runtime was set to steamVR instead of Oculus. Search around here; there’s lots of info on how to change it.

That said, the Oculus runtime is causing lots of frame-timing stutters for me too (not performance-related, some kind of bug), so I’m not sure it’s really much better.

I see, thank you. I’ll try that out.

Please report what you find out. I’m somehow too stupid to figure it out. I can’t for the life of me change the openXR runtime to Oculus (there’s no option to switch to another). If that’s what gets rid of the weird fish eye effect, I’m all for it, but I have no clue how to do it.

This is an annoying thing Steam does. You can set it to use SteamVR with a one-button click if it’s not already using that, but you can’t go back without editing the Windows registry.

Here’s how to change it. This assumes you are already somewhat familiar with Windows registry editing. Be warned, if you edit or delete other things than what this says, you can cause serious system problems that are not easily fixed.

  1. Right-click on your Start menu and select Run.
  2. Type in “regedit” (without quotations) and hit Enter. This will launch the Registry Editor.
  3. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1
  4. For ActiveRuntime change its value to the one that matches your platform (note: default paths are shown below):
  • Oculus
    C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json
  • SteamVR
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\steamxr_win64.json
  • Windows Mixed Reality
  1. Close the Registry Editor. You are now ready to enter VR on your respective platform.
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has anyone tried the rift running through steam is it possible and is it better asw broke on native rift

Now that you describe it, it’s clear as day to me. (And I’m not even joking. I mean, that’s exactly what I did to get the SteamVR runtime in place. :sweat_smile: )

Just to inform you all: Swirly’s instructions worked like a charm, it’s working properly now.

Check to see if you have “Lens Correction” ON in the General, Graphics options section. If you have this set to ON try with it OFF. Sounds strange and you wouldn’t think it would effect VR but I remember this was happening to someone else during the Beta and was making the image distorted in the headset.

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