Oculus RIFT-S - Stuck on Recenter screen

Hi, I am trying to get VR running with my Oculus RIFT-S and I get the attached message.

“Please look straight in fron on you and VR+CAMERA REST key to set the pilot view”

Where is the VR+CAMERA reset button?

Set up the Key Commands first then restart and try again

Grab your mouse, hover over the dialog window and press the key bindings you have set for center view.

You actually have to set it in controls first. Quite a fail from asobo leaving it unassigned :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have the same exact problem and tried the solution you gave him, but the problem is I cannot access any tab in MSFS 2020. I orginally assigned a button and it works but now no matter what tab I click on nothing happens. The sim is rendered useless as I cannot access anything. Not even quit to desktop. How do I get around this problem?

Either I dont know what I am doing or it’s not working. Why cant I set up the Key Command. I click on VR - Camera Reset to bind it with spacebar or whatever and nothing happend. I dont get the option to do anything. And as far as set it in Controls first. I dont see what I am suppose to set it controls. I have my Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick Warthog HOTAS, T-Rudder pedals, Throttle Warthog HOTAS, and now I see Touch Pointer but there isnt anything in there to set up. I wish there was a Youtube video of someone setting this up so I could follow along. I need something more step by step.

None of the bindings are there when I click on VR mode. I have the RIFT S as well. Any idea why that is. When I click on switch to VR I get a box in front of the menu that says Recenter screen but I cant do anything and have to close Flight Simulator

Merry Christmas!

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Hi Chris…

Confirm you are searching for “VR” in the controls menu?

Here you should be able to click on the “reset view” field and assign a button to it…can you get that far?

The controls menu…not the VR tab menu…

HTC VIVE COSMOS ELITE PRO. I am having the same issue. It won’t let me bind anything. I have tried everything that I know of. So I am just stuck on that screen.

You can also set back the keyboard commands to default. Then the VR commands are back en also set to default. Space voor reset view etc.

I got it now. Was able to make a flight. Quality is terrible IMO in the Rift S. Cant really read the info on the glass panels to enter GPS info or other things. Any suggestions?


You can try setting super sampling to 1.2 in the Oculus tray tool. May help, but the higher the setting the more jitters you may get…I tend to find i need to lean right in to see baro pressure, but the GPS isn’t so bad at that setting…

I have the key bound, but when I press it, it doesn’t work or get past the press key to recenter screen. Hitting esc doesnt even get out of it, so the only way to try something else is to force close the game. Not great!


NO Funciona, asigno tecla y sigue sin funcionar, menuda porquería.

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