Oculus runtime DX12

Im on a Quest 3 via link cable, DX11 works ok but its so frustrating always having to start and restart the sim when switching between dx11 and dx12 for 2D/VR. Anyone here using DX12 and not changing direct x settings everytime when you want to fly VR? Because I just cant get stable performance with DX12 in VR. Its always laggy, janky, that typical MSFS VR bs you sure all know… so I always have to switch to dx11 and start again…
windows 11
4070 ti
32gb ram 3200
medium-high settings
only oculus app running and connected via link cable
I tried VD, steamvr, openxr, everything. Its like my system doesnt know dx12
btw dx12 works great for me in 2d

As dx12 needs more GPU resources than dx11, I think, lowering your in-game graphic settings will help. Also turning on Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling slightly boosted game performance in my case.

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In addition, dlss balanced + ss 1.5 combination could bring reasonably sharp image as well while saving system resources.

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I agree with all @Woodier72 comments. Given your fairly strong PC (with a well balanced cpu/gpu) I don’t think I’d bother with DX12, HAGS, and Frame Gen for 2D. With VR Frame Gen (which requires HAGS) isn’t supported. While VR with DX12 and Hags can give pretty good results if you follow the advice already given to you (maybe even about 2-3ms less latency), I’ve found that HAGS can have a negative effect on other VR games/sims, esp. ones from Steam. So, DX11 with HAGS disabled currently works best, for me anyway.

In any case, it’s up to you to decide what’s best. Being an almost 100% PCVR flight sim guy I find it hard to imagine myself worrying about 2D monitor settings, lol! Each to their own I guess.

Strange, DX12 has run better for me for quite a while now. This was on a G2 and now Aero.

Do you have HAGS enabled? I’ve had it off for years.