Odd aircrafts, like C-46, C-119 - any love out there?

Incredible! I am a huge fan of the B-314!!
I just hope this piece of aviation history will feature a nicely detailed aircraft with the technical depth behind it.

Infos on this plane are hard to come by. I own a nice book about this plane and it’s predecessors and their history in Pan American’s development (and that of common civil air traffic).

So long!


I don’t want any of 777!
Give me C-46 instead lol


I’d love a C-46… same powerplant as the DC-6, and quite a few were built. Some are still flying.

I’d also like to see a C-54, even though fewer were built. That aircraft was the predecessor to the DC-6, without a pressurized cabin.

Those old round motors sound so sweet… :slight_smile:


All - To many great comments to mention. BOOK-Fix on the Rising Sun- about clipper which was lost in the 30’s. Speculation it was shot down by Japan. The C-119, a neighbor and friend flew in Vietnam as gunship. For that model, they added two jet engins so it could get all that ammo into the air. In the Movie, “The High and Mighty” that plane is C-54, civilian version. Please reference the mention of the “ship” at sea, providing some navigation fixing. In VR-21 where stationed in early 70’s, they used navigators for flights from HI to all over se asia and back to conus. LORAN was only good close to land, so navigators had to fix position, using the device referenced above and other things, like a sextant. Believe, US Naval Acadamy still teaches navigation with that device. Sorta learned a little about it when in Boating club US Power Squadron, and more when learning how to fly simulators. Great fun. Oh used to be show on the weather channel, Ice Pilots, and they flew C-46’s in that, and the civilian version of the P-3. Although well newer than referenced above, The Lockheed L-1011, was a great plane, Delta asked Lockheed to keep building them, and they promised to buy a bunch, but no other airlines wanted it, so they canceled it. Cannot remember what year. I flew in one of the first 747’s producted in 1973 (plane introduced in 1970), going from ATL to LAX back to HI for duty. It was mostly empty, had stewardess all to myself we had grand time, talking.

Not to forget the crazy flight home of a B-314 after Pearl Harbor.
And, oh boy, do I like the AC-119!

Too bad, this variant of the C-119 will never fly in MSFS…


It could fly, just not from the Marketplace (and ergo Xbox). Non Marketplace purchases can have whatever they want.

They are planning on multiple levels of complexity for purchase, an “easy” to fly model and a full systems rig I believe.

The bigger question is, will they ever finish it…?

Like you I’d rather Navigate old school :slight_smile: This looks very interesting. Any idea how much the cost will be and a release date if indeed its going public…

Kind regards,

Hi @AngryTrain50728, nice to see another fan of ‘old school’ navigation!

Project has been a bit slowed by the intrusion of real life (although ‘mostly’ retired, I’ve been doing quite a bit of consultancy of late that has been interfering); also by the problem that we can’t currently use the toolbar in VR flying :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If I can get this project to a state that I’m happy with (and I don’t think it’s too far off) - I will look at making it available to the community. Don’t know the timeline, but if I can do that - it would be for free … I have no interest in making money from fellow classic aviation enthusiasts!

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Hi, I did reply but Gmail is bouncing it back to me. I said in that reply I ill be happy to help with testing. Also, a handy utility would be some form of notepad where users can plot the triangle of velocities in a visual sense in-game… just a thought. D.R. Navigation used to be an art form :slight_smile:

Still have my E6B, protractor, and the knee board I used - with a Heuer AutoRallye affixed to the upper right corner - for timing legs. :slight_smile:


I’d love some more vintage aircraft.

I’d added to the study level “wishlist” the hopes for a Ford Trimotor and a Martin 4-0-4.

I thought you might be interested that the B-314 has now been released at the PILOT’S store!

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:astonished: :scream_cat:!!

(plus some stupid text for 10 characters)

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