Hi guys, now suddenly …
I’m lines up. A perfect forward view over the bulkhead. I click ‘Ready for Takeoff’. The nose slowly raises itself into the air as if the tail-pane has suddenly become very heavy.
Any ideas please where I start looking to fix this??
I’ve tried restating the Sim, rebooting the PC, setting certain visual controls setting to Default. Tx
What do you mean by clicking "ready for take off?
Not quite sure if its a view issue or aircraft performance issue?
Yeah needs a bit more detail, can’t say I’ve noticed a ready for takeoff option?
I just increase my throttle the appropriate amount after doing all the pre flight checks and run up procedures.
As they’ve said, what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. The title is about your view from the cockpit, but it sounds like you’re describing what the plane is doing. Which is it?
What do you mean you click “Ready for Takeoff”. (I have never used AI, is that what you’re doing?)
If it’s the plane, are you moving when this happens? Are you talking about what a plane does when it takes off, (yes, on takeoff you pull back, the nose goes up, and the plane takes off. If you pull back too hard, you’ll pull way up and the plane will stall. Everything about flying is about small corrections. Unless you’re Mike Goulian or Patty Wagstaff.).
If it’s your view, it sounds like there’s something going on with your mouse or your input drivers or something, maybe a graphics driver issue?
I think you may have loaded the plane wrong. Did you mess with the empty COG slider?
Maybe post a screenshot of your weigh/fuel setttings screen.
Does it only happen on certain planes… like maybe one of Just Flight’s Pipers for example?
Bulkhead ? You’re perfectly lined up for takeoff, I suppose… do you use assistants for takeoff ? Click something ? (thx @G7RTA… JF addin…)
Nose raises… well at some point during takeoff, it is supposed to do that, of course… what type of aircraft are we talking about ?
Yes, a taildragger’s nose goes down first… that’s good for forward view, but sometimes it is better prevent that… postpone it… especially when it comes too early, you’re on 2 wheels, with low speed ! It will require skilfull rudder walking to proceed takeoff safely… most times it needs a little (early) elevator up, to keep the tail wheel on the runway longer. Look out for stalls in that case & throttle up… else the extra elevator will add more lift to the takeoff flaps… and reduce airspeed even further. Danger is, letting the plane go up, nose up, stall, bank to the left and crash. Spitfire does that a lot… with Spitfire, I tend to go flaps neutral before takeoff. Do everything with elevator and rudder.
Thanks for your comments. With respect it makes perfect sense
As we all know MSFS lines us up with engine running, ready for take-off, but before we can go anywhere we need to tick the yellow tag ‘READT TO FLY’, yes?
I said nothing about throttling up for take-off. We are on ide power. But when I press the RTF flag the a/c nose gracefully rises up say 30-35% and there it stays. Runway virtually obscured. Yes, bring on the power and take-off, but this nose-up problem remains whenever you go back to the default cockpit view.
Someone who’s hot on views might know what the problem is.
Another thought, is it possible to calibrate your joystick in MSFS? T.1600M)
Thanks again for your support.
(Ex USAS RAF Squardon, UK)
There’s another tip, when forward view is bad, you can’t look over the nose of your aircraft, do this: activate Upper Position in the camera settings…
sorry but… I don’t think anyone here knows what you mean? Are you talking about one of the lessons or something?
Edit: just realised what you mean. You are starting a flight (putting you on a runway, which is frowned upon if you’ve got multiplayer on of course)
The yell tag is simply to start the flight, once it’s loaded.
A worthy idea Python! I did try that earlier but it simply had the effect of bringing the sunshield and roof level down slightly.
It beats me how this annoying glitch could suddenly appear overnight. I’ll keep trying - there’ll be a simple explanation somewhere I’m sure …
You can certainly calibrate your joystick in Windows itself. I can’t see that being the problem you it won’t harm.
Easiest way… press Windows key+R
in the box, type joy.cpl
Then double click the device… press the settings tab, then calibrate
Huh ? you warp your aircraft geometry ? “UPPER POSITION” is upper camera position, it has nothing to do with the roof. The roof will go down, because your camera goes up
By the way… if you got that bug… what happens if you press Control-Space ? For me it resets the cockpit camera.
Thanks, Il’l look at that area some more and let you know how I get on.
Hmm, I narrowed it down to a sticky slider on my ThrustMaster Throttle. Solved.
truly I was using the Camera Internal views (screen bar menu.) Because of the problem with my Throttle slider it lowered the interior view so far down that the lower edge of the cockpit window was showing!
Thanks for your help my friend.
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