Odd CJ4 Flight Plan Issue

I’m having an issue with the CJ4, following on from another thread and with the help from another member it seems to related to how the FMS handles the requested inputs, I and getting different results from him so was wondering if others could try it and see what they get?

Here’s the route, it’s a short hop, you don’t need to fly it, just load and check the displays…

EGMC r23 to EGTC r21
Depart using SID BPK
Arrive via CIT and ILS FF21

Its supposed to look like the LittleNavMap shot below with a pass-over at CIT and a nice loop approach. When I load it it gives a hard left on the runway with no loop and the landing usually fails with a missed approach. As can be seen from the FMS screen 86ICR, CF21 & FF21 are all zero miles long which is wrong but the member that helped massively did a video and had a successful result instead.

I’m fully up to date on the sim, and generally its all good apart from this error and VNAV failing after the first leg of a multi-leg trip - works perfectly the first leg but after that it refuses to engage at all.

Any ideas?

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It should look like this, screenshot taken from the video made by a very helpful member here, many thanks :slight_smile:

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Since it was supposedly tweaked/updated, I am afraid I get the same problems like you.


I loaded a low IFR plan from the World Map, with screen grab attached below. World Map looks funky because it doesn’t draw procedure turns, but that’s more just a graphical glitch.

On the runway, here is my MFD in plan mode and the FMS. Looks OK here.

Note, I have Navigraph nav data installed. Are you using base sim data? Maybe that’s the issue?

I tried to recreate the issue and my result was a little different. The display on the World Map shows the ILS approach with the procedure turn. The FMS loaded the flight plan correctly showing the procedure turn.

There have been several WT addons improving the CJ4. However, all of the WT addons were replaced by the updates containing AAU1 and AAU2. Any WT updates should be removed from the Community folder.

I am more concerned that the World Map did not display correctly the ILS approach with the procedure turn. I have no idea why that would happen. It appears that the FMS tried to squeeze the flight plan in to look like the World Map showing zero distance for the approach waypoints. And the autopilot flew the aircraft according to the flight plan not flying the procedure turn causing the hard left turn to the runway.

It seems to me the CJ4 is working and flying correctly. For some reason the your World Map flight plan which I have not been able to duplicate is a problem causing your CJ4 issues. There may be another seemingly unrelated addon causing the World Map flight plan problem. Have you added or installed any addons recently?

I’ve been following this thread since I was the one helping. I’m still stumped at to what’s going on. I tried creating the flight plan via the world map (something I didn’t do before) and also went as far as to install a stand alone WT CJ4 mod to see if I could introduce a conflict to cause this, and no dice.

At this point, I’m thinking there is some sort of corrupted data or mod conflict. I’d go back to basics and clear your community folder and try again. Maybe even a full re-install unless someone else has any ideas. Also search each waypoint in the world map and see what it pulls up for their locations relative to each other.

@BigCow74 I noticed you are missing the 86ICR (uppercase i) waypoint in your world map. That should have populated when selecting the ILS 21 approach. If that isn’t happening, I would also suggest you search for it in the world map. I could find it that way if needed, but it did not show up in the VFR map once in the sim. It does plot correctly for me with that waypoint in the FMS and VFR map when included as part of the planned approach.


Thanks all, i will try searching on the world map.

Just to clarify, i do not use the world map for anything other than setting the departure airport and getting the “Fly Now” button - all my route planning is done direct into the FMS/FMC in the cockpit.

I have no mods loaded apart from custom Duxford scenery and custom Southend scenery, and the Volanta tracking linker.

I have never reinstalled, and TBH it would have to be a cold day in hell before I considered doing so :wink:

@BigCow74 yes I am using the base sim nav data only

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That’s potentially a pretty big difference between our setups. I don’t know how to check the raw nav data differences other than uninstalling the Navigraph data, but things like this have certainly happened before.

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Is that something I can fix?

If it’s actually a nav data issue (and I’m not saying it is at this point), there’s not much you can do. Buy and install Navigraph nav data if you’re on PC I guess.

I don’t think users can edit the nav data files.

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I would disable/remove all of those for the time being, then also check your content manager for any updates and install those.


I didn’t think so, but searching the waypoints in the world map may give a clue as to why the FMS thinks they are right on top of each other.


Check Content Manager for any free WT addons from the Marketplace that may have been installed. Marketplace addons are not in the Community folder.

I don’t think there is a conflict between MSFS nav data and Navigraph as both drew the same flight path on their respective maps.

I entered the flight plan manually in the CJ4 and the created flight plan was the same as the World Map plan. The ILS 21 approach was displayed on the VFR MAP correctly with the procedure turn.

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There must be some commonality as @Biman7581 has the same result as me. Vey odd.

Just flew this route. Planned in LittleNavMap, exported from LNM, imported into MSFS. There was one discontinuity that I had to remove in the CDU but otherwise all good. AP flew the route and approach perfectly.

EDIT: While the World Map did not show a nicely rounded procedure turn, it did show all the points on the STAR:

Thans for that, appreciated.

I think It will be worth my trying to enter it in the world planner instead of manually into the FMC, just to see what happens

Had the same results as @SlabsFly
Keep an eye on the discontinuity that you’ll get from the WM setup, and needs to be dealt with when you move it to the plane.
Again, as SlabsFly said, I never get the true flightpath for approaches on the WM (unless it sends you direct to the IAP without an procedure turns), just the straight point-to-point lines.

I think, with all your help, I have narrowed it down, if anyone would care to verify…

I set the flight up again just now, this time I selected [IFR Low] from the planner menu, then chose the ILS21 approach, went to fly now, loaded the avionics, stepped through the legs and the approach was exactly how it should look with the long procedure turn to line up for the ILS.

What I have been doing until now is just going to the planner, selecting my departure airport then pressing fly now - it defaults to VFR flight.

Could the issue be that I am trying to use an approach to ILS while on the default VFR setting???

I’m just guessing here, but the only changes I made was to use the planner to select the route and selected IFR Low.

I always do my route entry direct into the FMC from cold/dark - do any of you do this? Do i alsoneed to select VFR/IFR etc first?

This is how I use to do it, though lately I’ve been doing it more via Simbrief and importing that way once in the cockpit. Then I’ll review the FMS and correct any discontinuities and such.

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Interesting, I only started doing it direct into the FMC because it seemed another step to realism. I could do it all in LittleNavMap and export it but seems to take a little away from the enjoyment for me.