[Official] Community Fly-In Australia: MSFS x Next Level Racing Collaboration (with Prize Giveaways!)


We will be hosting an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on Twitch. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms.

Hosted by @SeedyL3205 and Next Level Racing
When: Thursday, February 8 @ 0200Z for two hours.
Where: The Official Twitch Channel of MSFS
RSVP: Click here

There will also be a Discord event channel open for those who want to voice chat with other members of the community.

Please see below for details on the upcoming Fly-In Event:


We’re very excited to be partnering with our friends at Next Level Racing for a special community fly-in!

During this event, we’ll be starting from Gold Coast, the home of Next Level Racing, and flying southbound along Australia’s coastline to Sydney where we’ll see the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House. En route, we’ll also visit popular Australian landmarks such as the Big Prawn, Big Banana Fun Park, and more!

Pilots on PC can download the .pln file here:
2024-02-08 Australia.PLN (3.1 KB)

We will be starting at YBCG. Please load your aircraft 10 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway in preparation for departure.


During the livestream, we’ll also be conducting prize giveaways to lucky viewers! Please note that winners must be present in Twitch chat to win!

GRAND PRIZE: One (1) Next Level Racing Flight Simulator cockpit (USD $799 value)

ADDITIONAL PRIZES: We will also be conducting additional prize draws for Microsoft Flight Simulator merchandise and Marketplace products throughout the livestream!


Recommended aircraft: Beechcraft Baron, Beechcraft Bonanza, Cessna Grand Caravan, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2, or any other plane of your choice with a cruise speed of 175 knots or greater.


Please adhere to the following settings so you can see everyone / be seen by everyone.

Variable Setting
Server SE Asia
Multiplayer All Players
Live traffic As preferred
Weather Few Clouds
Time of Day Daytime

It is advised in this flight to turn off both aircraft collisions and terrain collisions. If you do crash, you can use “slew” mode to join the pack. If the pack will be too scattered before the first stop, we will use slew on a defined point to regroup.


To communicate with others, a voice channel on the "Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Discord” at https://discord.gg/msfs will be available to join.


This is meant to be a fun and informal flight. Everybody is welcome, no matter the amount of experience.


Australia always has such beautiful sights downtown

What do we have to RSVP for?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Should the downloadable flight plan have all the POIs included?

Hello @justindoiron,

Yes, the .pln file should match the World Map screenshot from the OP. Please ensure you have World Update 7: Australia installed from the Marketplace if you don’t already.


Hi there :slight_smile:

Just the FYI, the forum date says it is tonight :slight_smile:

…and the text on the top says it is Friday

Is it today, Thursday, or Friday? :slight_smile:


Depends on the time zone. It’s tonight at 9pm eastern.

No, I mean what day it is. There are conflicting dates. I know what time it is at :smiley:


They are showing it in Zulu time (aka UTC). The date/time below it is localized to New York which is 5 hours behind (UTC-5) So Feb. 8th 2:00am UTC = Feb. 7th 9pm EST

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But depending on the time zone, it’s technically late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Tonight in North America, tomorrow in Europe, etc.

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Hello @HamMan2118,

I don’t see where it says Friday anywhere.

The start time is Wednesday, February 7 in North America at 9pm ET / 6pm PT.

For most of the rest of the world including Europe and Australia, the start time falls on Thursday, February 8.

In UTC/Zulu, the start time is 0200 on Feb 8.


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Hello again,

@Poldaark @justindoiron: Maybe it is a glitch on my end. The time, like this: 2024-02-07T23:53:00Z shows your local time zone. It is still 07 Feb 2024 in Zulu time :slight_smile: But I don’t wanna veer off-topic too much.

@SeedyL3205: It shows the Friday date at the very top.

THanks and cheers! :smiley:

EDIT: I noticed my error here. My apologies!

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No it doesn’t! It’s explicitly saying that this event DOES NOT fall on the same time as our regular Community Fly-In Friday events.

When I load it, it’s giving me a random waypoint 27000km away…Processing: 17073501297528274362565210710284.jpg…

It appears I am misreading stuff, so, my apologies. I read the top part as it was taking place on Friday but the time was different, a complete error on my end.

Thank you for dealing with me, I know I am a pain in the butt.

Cheers, and have a nice day.

Hello @justindoiron,

Does the waypoint go to the North Pole? If so, are you using Navigraph by any chance? Try temporarily disabling Navigraph and then load the .pln file again.


Indeed I do. Problem solved, thank you!

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Is there a specific altitude we should be flying, or is it the 16,500ft in the pln file?

You can choose any altitude you like. I personally plan to fly a few thousand feet ASL so I can enjoy the scenery. :slight_smile:

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