[Official] Community Fly-In Friday: Netherlands

We will be hosting an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on Twitch. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms.

Hosted by @SeedyL3205, @Jummivana, @Pieter2427, and @Chewwy94
When: Friday, October 6 @ 1800Z for two hours.
Where: The Official Twitch Channel of MSFS

There will also be a Discord event channel open for those who want to voice chat with other members of the community.

Please see below for details on the upcoming Fly-In Event:


The world’s oldest airline (still in operation) is KLM, the flag carrier of the Netherlands. :netherlands: KLM was founded 104 years ago on October 7, 1919. To commemorate this milestone in aviation history, our community fly-in this week will be an aerial tour of Holland. The flight plan was created by our regular panel member and Dutch citizen @Pieter2427 who will be sharing lots of interesting facts and trivia as we fly across his beautiful home country!

Also joining us on our panel this week is Community Manager @Chewwy94 who will be showcasing the Boeing 787 with KLM livery! :slight_smile:

Pilots on PC can download the .pln file here:
2023-10-06 Netherlands.pln (4.1 KB)

We will be starting at EHGG. Please load your aircraft 10 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway in preparation for departure.


Recommended aircraft: Daher TBM, L-39 Albatross, Cirrus VisionJet, or any other plane of your choice that can maintain a cruising speed of at least 200 knots.


Please adhere to the following settings so you can see everyone / be seen by everyone.

Variable Setting
Server SE Asia
Multiplayer All Players
Live traffic As preferred
Weather Few Clouds
Time of Day Daytime

It is advised in this flight to turn off both aircraft collisions and terrain collisions. If you do crash, you can use “slew” mode to join the pack. If the pack will be too scattered before the first stop, we will use slew on a defined point to regroup.


To communicate with others, a voice channel on the "Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Discord” at https://discord.gg/msfs will be available to join.


This is meant to be a fun and informal flight. Everybody is welcome, no matter the amount of experience.

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1919 was only 104 years ago not 124

Thanks, fixed.

Has any consideration ever been given to alternating the time of these community flights. Sections of the community are excluded from participating simply because of time. Starts at 4am for me so never attended a single one but would like to.

Hello @Sling380,

We chose the time for our Community events with great care. There are Microsoft Flight Simulator fans from all over the world, and sadly there simply isn’t one perfect magic time that will work for everyone. The time we chose is during waking hours for players in North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Unfortunately, this means it’s during sleeping hours for players in Asia and Oceania. We truly regret that everyone can’t take part in real-time.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the fly-in events! While you may not be able to fly live with us during the event, anyone can watch the VODs on Twitch (they are saved for 60 days) and fly along with the group while listening to the commentary from our panelists. :slight_smile:


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Vlieg-ze! Lijkt me leuk!

As per my tradition, did the flight early. I enjoyed reading the history of the flights and why they were chosen.

KennieKayoz - Twitch

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I understand there is no one time that fits all and hence it was just a suggestion to share around by changing the time on rotation rather than the same group always having a viable time. Watching post the event is observation not participation in my book. Why is it almost always us that have to miss out is my simple point.


I share the sentiment, it wouldn’t be too much of an ask to allow 1 week to follow UTC and then maybe another to follow PST or something.

Not sure if Asobo have community team members outside of the US/Canada but it could allow Seedly and co a week off from running the fly-in too :smiley:


A great flight plan! Thanks @Pieter2427 !
Flew it today in the TBM. Good luck all, tomorrow, with finding all those nasty short and well hidden grass fields.


Hmm… what do I have with KLM livery that also goes the appropriate speed…

Looks nice!
Not sure yet if I 'll be able to join at 8pm cet but hopefuly I will.
There’s a very detailed hancrafted scenery of EHTE at flightsim.to
Great addtion to me.
Several restaurants ( take off, the hanger for example)
A somewhat futuristic ‘tower’ , the famous airplane hotel wich was the plane of Erich Honecker, fuelstation, several flight school and maintance companies.
It will be a nice flight !

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… and the destination of my first x-country solo :smiley:


As I will be flying the PMDG 737 with a KLM livery, I put in the flightplan manually which was easy to do as it consists mostly of airfields. Here’s the list if anyone’s interested:


Also, for most if not all of these airfields, custom scenery can be found at flightsim dot to which really enhances the experience. Happy flighting!


And if you want a neat challenge, try live weather today 230@23 :joy:, and set the clock back a few hours, because it’s pitch dark already.

As always, thank you all for another excellent Fly-In.

I really appreciate the effort you all put into this for us!


That was a great flight! Thank you all for the fun.


This flight was a great excuse to take out the Fokker F28 and pollute Pieter’s skies for the afternoon. Surprisingly manageable on the small grass fields with an empty loadout and half tanks of fuel.

My seeing eye dog keeping a look out for traffic and weather.

Interesting choice of approach attitude…

Pieter with his escort F35.

Happy anniversary KLM!