[Official] Community Fly-In Friday: Salem

We will be hosting an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on Twitch. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms.

Hosted by @SeedyL3205, @Jummivana, @Pieter2427, @simtom2, @WombiiActual, and 10 Minutes Until Landing
When: Friday, October 13 @ 1800Z for two hours.
Where: The Official Twitch Channel of MSFS

There will also be a Discord event channel open for those who want to voice chat with other members of the community.

Please see below for details on the upcoming Fly-In Event:


This week our Community Fly-In falls is both on Friday the 13th and in October :jack_o_lantern:, so we thought it fitting to visit a location with a dubious historical association with witchcraft. :broom: During 1692 and 1693, the town of Salem, Massachusetts found itself in a mass frenzy over alleged cases of witchcraft and demonic influence. In one of the darker episodes from American history that has since become a cautionary tale against mob mentality, over 200 people were accused of witchcraft.

In more recent times, Salem has attempted to revitalize its image and capitalize on its checkered association with witchcraft. Witch-related tourism is a major economic driver in Salem, and the local high school sports team is known as “The Witches”. The popular 1960s sitcom Bewitched shot a few special episodes in the town, and the talking cat from the 1990s show Sabrina the Teenage Witch was named Salem.

Our fly-in will depart from Bangor, Maine and fly to Providence, Rhode Island. In addition to Salem, we will also visit Portland and Boston en route.

Pilots on PC can download the .pln file here:
2023-10-13 Salem.PLN (2.6 KB)

We will be starting at KBGR. Please load your aircraft 10 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway in preparation for departure.


Recommended aircraft: CubCrafters X or NX Cub, Diamond DA40, Pipistrel Virus, or any other plane of your choice that can maintain a cruising speed of 120 knots or greater.


Please adhere to the following settings so you can see everyone / be seen by everyone.

Variable Setting
Server SE Asia
Multiplayer All Players
Live traffic As preferred
Weather Few Clouds
Time of Day Daytime

It is advised in this flight to turn off both aircraft collisions and terrain collisions. If you do crash, you can use “slew” mode to join the pack. If the pack will be too scattered before the first stop, we will use slew on a defined point to regroup.


To communicate with others, a voice channel on the "Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Discord” at https://discord.gg/msfs will be available to join.


This is meant to be a fun and informal flight. Everybody is welcome, no matter the amount of experience.


It was a nice flight, of course, I left the weather live which added to the spooky factor since it did seem rather foggy. Quiet fitting I may add.

Looking forward to this one. :).

I’m ready!


I think I might fly the witch as well!!! :grinning:

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Bangor Intl to Theodore Francis Green State

Flight Type: VFR
Cruising Altitude: 2500.000

Departure Name: Bangor Intl
Departure ID: KBGR
Departure GPS: 44.807444, -68.828139
Departure Position (RWY): 33

Destination Name: Theodore Francis Green State
Destination ID: KPVD
Destination GPS: 41.722333, -71.427722

| Waypoint No.   | Waypoint ID           | Waypoint Type   |   Latitude |   Longitude | Rwy/Gate/Parking   |
| Departure      | KBGR                  | Airport         |  44.807444 |  -68.828139 | 33                 |
| WP 1           | Portland Intl Jetport | Airport         |  43.645644 |  -70.308617 |                    |
| WP 2           | Custom                | User            |  42.513067 |  -70.876656 |                    |
| WP 3           | Logan Intl            | Airport         |  42.362944 |  -71.006389 |                    |
| Destination    | KPVD                  | Airport         |  41.722333 |  -71.427722 |                    |

Thank you for a spooky Fly-In.

I’ve been thankful to have had the free time to join the last few.

Jayne’s harmonizing fail of the Jayne Stall Horn was classic.

I’m totally curious about these changes for January 2024. Only ~2.5 months wait, gah!


Having missed a couple of fly-ins in a row, it was great to fly with all of you again. Thanks everyone!



Awesome! If you want in the future, send these events to jt@skyblueradio.com and we’ll add it on our website, discord and shoot out on our mobile apps.

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