[Official] Community Fly-In Friday: Uruguay

We will be hosting an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on Twitch. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms.

Hosted by @SeedyL3205
When: Friday, August 25 @ 1800Z for two hours.
Where: The Official Twitch Channel of MSFS

There will also be a Discord event channel open for those who want to voice chat with other members of the community.

Please see below for details on the upcoming Fly-In Event:


This week, we’ll be flying in South America to celebrate the August 25 holiday of Uruguay’s Independence Day! :uruguay: Our flight plan will see us depart from the capital city of Montevideo, fly westbound along the Río de la Plata, then turn north to follow the Uruguay River to our final destination in Paysandú.

Pilots on PC can download the .pln file below:
2023-08-25 Uruguay.PLN (3.4 KB)

We will be starting at SUMU. Please load your aircraft 10 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway in preparation for departure.


Recommended aircraft: Diamond DA40, Cirrus SR22, or any other plane of your choice that can maintain a cruising speed of 130 knots.


Please adhere to the following settings so you can see everyone / be seen by everyone.

Variable Setting
Server SE Asia
Multiplayer All Players
Live traffic As preferred
Weather Few Clouds
Time of Day Daytime

It is advised in this flight to turn off both aircraft collisions and terrain collisions. If you do crash, you can use “slew” mode to join the pack. If the pack will be too scattered before the first stop, we will use slew on a defined point to regroup.


To communicate with others, a voice channel on the "Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Discord” at https://discord.gg/msfs will be available to join.


This is meant to be a fun and informal flight. Everybody is welcome, no matter the amount of experience.


Just an FYI, if I load the .PLN into the World Map, I see the “North Pole” bug with the custom waypoints. (In Little Nav Map, all the custom points are fine.)

Do you use Navigraph? If so have you cleanly removed it, or just scrubbed its folder?

I do. I remember that being an issue a while ago that I understand was fixed. I’m up to date with AIRAC 2308.

If I open in Little Nav Map, export to a .PLN, then load into the world map, all the custom waypoints are fine.

I don’t know how Seedy created the attached .PLN file, but maybe exporting it from LNM will fix any odd custom waypoint issues. I could look at the two .PLN files in Notepad and see what looks different, but I’m not knowledgable enough to know what’s “wrong” and what’s “right”

Well, here’s a comparison for what it’s worth. First is from Seedy’s .PLN. Second is from the exported LNM .PLN



(Note, the altitude is different in the exported one because I changed it before exporting)

Adding the ICAO section to Seedy’s .PLN for each of the custom waypoints fixed all the “North Pole” issues.

Don’t ask me why :slight_smile:

I created it directly from the in-sim World Map. I don’t use any external tools or mods to create the .pln files we use for Fly-In Friday.


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Run the Navigraph data installer for MSFS, then uninstall the data again if you don’t want it.

I believe the other way to do it is to delete your content.xml file, which will force the sim to rebuild it.

It might also happen if you have dont’t have LNM up to date, and you have washed the plan through LNM, then exported it. I often do this to add a starting point in the plan.

I don’t think it’s any of these things. I’m not going to uninstall Navigraph for sure. And I don’t think content.xml really does anything anymore or isn’t used. I haven’t needed to touch that since the SU where they removed that dependency.

LNM is fully up to date with the released version.

My speculation is that those of us with Navigraph need to ICAO designation for it to work with our nav database. Why exactly, I don’t know. I’m guessing this is one of those “It’s no-one’s fault” bugs that can reliably be placed on everyone and no-one at the same time :slight_smile:

It’s used by Navigraph. Here is mine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="2"/>

It’s 100% nav data related, if your waypoints all end up at the North Pole.

I’ve just updated both the sim, and LNM to 2308, so I’ll see shortly.

I’ve taken it to the Navigraph forum and we’ll see what Richard says about the ICAOIdent dependency.

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If I load the plan from thread untouched I get this, as you did:

If I then load this into LNM, export it in the MSFS format, and add a parking spot, I get this:

VFR Carrasco Intl Gen C L Berisso (SUMU) to Tydeo Larre Borges Intl (SUPU).pln (3.2 KB)

Modified plan is attached.

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Yes, exactly what I saw.

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Thank you for another great Friday Fly-In.

Looking forward to next week!


I tried to follow you out in your Boeing 247 (It model matched to a DC-3 for me) but you scooted off before departure and I never saw you again!


Thanks Seedy and Cookie for another awesome FlyInFriday. Good people and good convo as always. Seedy I’m pretty sure I have the same logbook as you :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As always, a fun flight! I have said this before - without these community flights, a lot of these locations I would probably not visit. Happy to have flown over Uruguay in honour of its independence day!


Ha! The beta crashed on me and I switched computers to my desktop with the current release version and flew the Twin Beech instead.

It was a bit of a job catching up without using slew.

I saw you there, too!

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Thank you for that beautiful flight. I have discovered a beautiful country, one more lol. Merci :grinning: