Pretty much this. We asked them to spend more time testing their updates and ensuring their updates are higher quality. We even asked them to delay their updates if need be, so that the updates are higher in quality and produce less bugs. Now Microsoft/Asobo is doing what we asked for and you still have some people, as you say, “whining.”
I hope they include the black avionics screens on the Xbox platforms going black minutes and hours within a flight ! See nothing mentioned about it here and a lot of people are having this major issue even after loads of zendesk tickets!
For the love of all that’s holy if all the broken controls / interaction (mouse position resetting, cursor dissapearing when using free-look, etc) will not be prioritized as fixes for this update I will have lost all hope in the future quality of this product.
I’ve reported this issue and the team is investigating, however no further updates for you unfortunately.
I’m seeing a lot of “what about this bug” questions which are all valid, and I’ve been taking a look at each one to ensure that it is in the system and that the team is working on it. Can confirm everything above this post is on the dev teams radar and prioritized but are still under investigation so don’t have any updates on them.
Re: @Jummivana’s post above about people asking “What about this bug?”:
A reminder that the Dev Update states the following:
In the meantime, here are some highlights from the World Update 6 release notes:
[…] Full release notes will be released with the update on September 7th.
The fixes and updates you see in the August 19 Dev Update are not an exhaustive list of everything that will be included with WU6 on September 7. Just because you don’t see a particular issue documented here doesn’t mean it won’t be fixed with WU6. At the same time, not every known issue is being resolved with SU6 either, so please standby for the full patch notes before commenting about what will (or will not) be fixed on Sep. 7.
I’d always welcome the feature updates coming later to ensure a higher level of quality, however, several important bug fixes have been gated behind this ‘coming in WU6’ banner.
It’s something of a dangerous game to play to actually delay the bug fixes that are needed to address the last problematic update. How about we get another hot fix to actually address those and the new features and updates of WU6 can come later?
Feels like another half hearted Asobo/Microsoft update plan. Why are the team so completely tone deaf?
What is the Standard Setting for Offscreen terrain pre caching? What setting do we have now? Off? It Sounds every Setting except Ultra lower the graphics quality. I Hope we can Turn it off, if ultra is to Slow.
Nice update and dev blog! Good to see early info about the fixes and improvements coming. Looks like a good update wth some quality updates.
With all the noise and conspiracies around dumbign down for xbox etc, hopefully now that we know a slider that restores the terrain etc loading around the plane to full loading, which won’t be on xbox, finally, finally, finally, once and for all, kills that myth stone dead.
Extending the PG range sounds excellent too.
Asobo - please ignore the people shouting and whining. Keep up the good work.
Why should they ignore shouting and whining?? My sim wont start due to a microsoft/asobo server bug so I think I have every right to shout and whine!!!
Ive paid for a product that does not work, and am getting no product support from Zendesk. Annoyed!!!
Then I’m truly sorry about that, and you have my sympathies. Your post was a perfectly reasonable request, unlike some others - and you did get a direct response - albeit not what you’d have wanted Im sure
I’m sure this will be explained once the patch is released.
However I imagine off is not an option. I imagine the redrawing and popping would be many times worse than what people are complaining about now. Edit: Or maybe that’s what we have now and low will become the equivalent? Im sure they won’t implement it so it prevents getting the same performance as we get now.