Read the latest Dev Update here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion.
Read the latest Dev Update here:
Please use this thread for feedback and discussion.
Hopefully the world map and Fly crashing issues are among the stability fixes mentioned on this dev update.
Great preview of what’s to come with the update.
Glad to see that the requests by many people were heard and we get more graphics options
Looking forward to try it out!
Wondering if the 4 airports are known already?
Thank you. Can you please confirm the terrain popping fix includes trees and buildings, and not just ground terrain?
@Jummivana you have stil the old roadmap in your post.
Hi @Kuang129693,
The Development Roadmap is updated quarterly. The Feedback Snapshots are updated every week.
What about xbox loosing mouse control - very annoying.
Please fix this in next update.
ah ok… might be some confusion because the roadmap show the 26.8 as release date for WU6.
Nothing at all about wind gusts or weather at all???!!?!?!?
Weren’t some fixes from Sim Update 5 supposed to be fixed in World Update 6 (yes WORLD update 6 due to the magnitude of issues SU 5 created).
Maybe I’m completely wrong…
I’m glad that Microsoft/Asobo are finally considering an “opt in” beta. Also, I think it’s a good idea to push back this update, so we get a more stable update.
Is the Junkers Ju 52, which was announced for a release along with the DACH World Update, still coming on the 24th or the week after? Might be worth placing that on the roadmap separately.
Good question. The Junkers Ju 52 is aligned with WU 6 release, so consequently that will also be coming out September 7th now as far as I’m aware.
Well, the roadmap has been changed - SU6 has been given a new release date. The picture of the roadmap has not been changed, and is still showing the old, now incorrect, date. This is just inviting chaos for the sake of “that’s not the way we do things around here, son”
I havent been the biggest fan about SU5 or the many undocumented/unannounced changes.
However im glad you decided to delay the update, id rather have you all delay stuff than push it out the door broken
I’m happy to remove the roadmap seeing as it is confusing some. Unfortunately we just don’t have an updated one to replace it with at the moment.
So, this is that on August 24 there will be no corrections, and everything will only be on September 7?
Ouch !
Nothing about the huge trim problem !
either very incomplete changelog or a few to go… ;/
Not a word about the sim crashing while trying to take a screen shot in HDR with the XBOX game bar…
It worked before, I took over 5000 screen shots on my now cancelled around the world trip.