Official Discussion: Hotfix

What’s more frustrating than anything else, is we, and Asobo knew what this update was. So why, why would some things that I would assume have nothing to do with performance enhancements get fracked?

  1. Altitude calculations
  2. Fuel selectors/buttons
  3. Lighting
  4. Trim
  5. AI traffic
  6. Weather
  7. ATC
  8. Flight planning
  9. Aircraft call signs not saved

If Asobos issue is too many branches, too many versions, or too many different versions out to developers, I really hope they can straighten this out quick. They spend more time fixing than creating. I have faith they can correct this. It’s just so frustrating I can’t do simple things like set a Barometer correctly, or change tanks, or start an aircraft without Ctrl-e. Hopefully they can get on track, and fix all these things that have plagued the SIM, and eventually get us a working VNAV, or one thing at least from the wishlist. Honestly, I have to believe they are as frustrated as we are, and are probably relieved xbox finally released.

Now that they have excelled at optimizing performance, and gave us the amazing visuals we fell in love with, there should be no reason to go backwards in those two areas. Kudos to Asobo for what they’ve done there.

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I feel you. What the he*l did they do to screw this thing so bad then say, HF 1 and 2 wil fix it? YouTube influencers are lying their azzes off saying how good it is but their graphics are crraap, fps wise (technically stuttering, fps numbers are high) and they’re flying single engine planes . Just watch 'em. But after a year they still don’t have a working A320?? Really?? And we’re ok with this??

70c for me.

I was excited for hot fix 2 to correct the temperature problem, but now I have CTD every flight I have tried from at load to 25 minutes or so in. It is unplayable for me.

What?! They did, in fact, ruin the sim to fit in into a stupid Xbox. Even if less than 50% of the users are plagued with terrible graphics, innumerable CTD’s, and pop-ins galore, the sim was still ruined, its reputation shot. Asobo is scrambling to save Flight Simulator and its own reputation. Let us hope the massive problems are fixed soon enough to save the sim, but make no mistake, it was ruined at least temporarily inasmuch as no PC user would buy it starting with the disastrous decision to release SU5 in the state it was in on that date.
A pox on Microsoft for forcing the half-baked SU5 release on schedule and kudos to Asobo for their response so far, but the progress they’ve achieved does not erase what they did on 27 Aug. No one needs to “back down.” Just because you’re doing well doesn’t mean that SU5 want one of the worst updates in PC history.

Funny how some people feel this way when I and many others feel the total opposite. What I’m seeing on my screen is a gem of a sim. What I saw in SU4 was stutters. Now it’s stutter free. Besides the miscellaneous bugs what more do you want?


Yes, still having CTDs but the frequency is decreasing. I think I may have caused some of them experimenting with various graphics settings.

They have and still are optimising cores because the former situation where basically one core was handling almost all of the processing was not at all efficient and yes it was very limiting to those without the best hardware. They try not to but some things are going to get bust in the process and will need fixing but it’s not by magic, there’s a lot of hard effort getting it all working again hence the hotfixes but there is also a matter of priority, some customers have been totally grounded and they must come first.

Without core optimisations there is no way this sim can reach it’s full potential.

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“Is anybody else getting a massive RPM drop when they use the ESC button to leave the flight and tweak something and then come back to the flight. For me it is happening with both default aircraft and 3rd Party aircraft.”

Thanks, but I meant propeller RPM in the aircraft I’m flying at the moment. If I hit ESC to tweak something when I’m flying, when I resume my flight, the aircraft’s prop RPM has dropped almost down to nothing. This happens every time, both in MSFS 2020 default aircraft as well as in 3rd Party aircraft.

Oh dear! - that sounds like another job for Zendesk

double check that your key bind isn’t logged in two different places (keyboard & throttle quad). was having the same issue and just deleted the keyboard setting and it fixed my problem.

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Pronounced pee-toe (at least in British English). No laughing allowed :wink:

Freezing up of pitot tubes in icing conditions has caused many fatal air crashes in the real world over the years. When air moisture in the tube becomes frozen and blocks it, vital instruments that rely on it, like the airspeed indicator, cease to function or give false readings (very bad). So a little heater element is fitted to the pitot tube that can be turned on to prevent this. Usually turned on when outside air temperature is 4C/39F and below.

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Installed just now and did a flight over the South African Drakensberg from FXMS to FXMM with the community modded Beech Bonanza G36. A bit on the high side: had to cruise @ 12,500ft. I use a custom livery, the WT G1000 v0.4.0 mod, Bijan’s vegetation scenery and the no menu bar mod.

It was a half an hour flight and everything work beautifully. CPU is Ryzen 7 3700X, RTX 2060, 4K resolution all at high settings except for Terrain and Objects LOD at 200. Typically got between 27 and 30fps which I am completely happy with. No stutters or any issues and I find the graphics, including clouds, very nice. I specifically used the AP most of the time: no issues there.

Some images:


Excellent point. What some don’t understand is time is more valuable then money. All the money in the world won’t get back time wasted. I’ve done more trouble shooting and tweaking then flying in this game.


lol…you learn something new everyday…I really thought they misspelled pilot… :rofl:

Ive stopped trying to chase perfection. Smooth frames, good level of detail, and Zendesk reports for stuff I find is not working. all AI turned off except ships and ferries as I like those and hate the car traffic. I dont bother going looking for animals :stuck_out_tongue: Live weather, Real world traffic. ULTRA settings at 1440p. I trust the devs to eventually deliver the bug fixes and as long as I am not getting a lot of CTDs as was the initial release of SU5 (gone after 2 hotfixes), I am happy. If I want to remind myself how good this is… I fire up FSX … :smiley:


Good idea…forgot to check that. Thanks! :+1:

Well now you know. Just like a real pilot :wink:

So always keep an eye on your aircraft’s outside temperature indicator. It’s not there to show you when to turn on the cabin heating :wink:

The higher you are the colder it gets.

[] - 1 CTD in 2 weeks
[] - 4 CTD in one day

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Thanks @gordongreig !!! It really worked out.

I did change during the flight. My FPS dropped while in the air (around FL190) from 80 avg to 37 avg. I made the change and after a while it started to going up. did not reach the same amount, but just a few FPS drops
I restarted the same flight (MHTG to SEQM) without leaving the flight simulator (first) and then restarting the sim, and as mentioned the reduction was a few FPS only (around 2 in some cases)

As you said is quite unclear why, but it an workaround