Official Discussion: July 7th, 2022 Dev Update

The recommendation was to move FS2020 to a new drive/folder
that is different from the default location of C: drive (or boot drive).

Always rename your Community folder.
Name it back after the update.

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are we there yet? bwhahahaha

That is probably the issue, most people dont wait at an airport for 10 to 15 minutes, but yeah after like 10 minutesthey start to spawn in

I tested by doing a flight in Switzerland from Munster to Geneva, flying down low in the valleys between the high alps (you have to make one sharp right hand turn along the journey.

Then repeated same flight after installing the beta patch. Night and day performance difference. Very much better now. It was almost unflyable before due to constant stutters (I am using the Swiss mesh sold in the marketplace, its cheap). Not a single stutter after the beta patch. Even when spinning the External Camera view with the mouse. Even when increasing the sim rate to 4x and then 8x. No stutters the whole 20 minute flight. Like I said above, almost unflyable before the beta patch on exact same flight.

That issue of lower fps in USA airports if photogrammetry cities elsewhere in the world are installed: Also completely cured. At KSFO it used to be fps would jump up extremely fast going from ground level to about 700 feet up (slewing). Now there is no difference at all: i.e. that bug is squashed! I will leave all the PG cities installed.

Glad you’re seeing improvement – however, several are not. DX12 is a mess.

Not for me, DX 12 is working to perfection. I could not use DX 12 before this beta patch. I kept trying. But DX 12 was bad. After the beta patch the issue went away for me, its all good now.

Trust me – it’s not. Use it for about 30 mins
 you’ll start seeing this, like everyone else:

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My test flight was 20 minutes, did not see the artifacts at all. Then I just left the sim running an hour , no artifact after coming back. Now flying in another part of the world, instead Switzerland, am over KSFO northern California. I’ve seen nothing out of place in the sky. I never left the 3D screen of MSFS for an hour and a half now. Maybe the strange stuff will show up later, not so far.

Another 20 minutes over San Francisco and down the penensula and back over The City. No artifacts, beautiful. Way better than before the beta.
I do not use any cache, my internet runs from 80 to 110 mBps and cache does nothing for me, so its always off.

I do not overclock my GPU. After this beta it is obvious that Vram usage has increase a lot (judging by the Dev Mode FPS display charts). So I would use conservative voltage and speed on the GPU, I use stock all GPU settings.

I use in game MSFS fps lock at what used to be called 120 (which they now call “100% monitor refresh rate” in the new menu). Vsync ON. Never mind I will never see anything near as high as 60 fps down low over a city. Nevertheless, I still lock it at 60 with Vsync in MSFS options (because it helps both fps and stutters when I do so, even though it seems to me that this makes no sense. But it works for me).

Before beta patch my Vram was never used fully in MSFS. Never once that I noticed. It used to always read something like 4.32/7.093 GB. Now after DX 12 with beta patch its running like 7.104GB/7.093GB. Which I interpret as using even more Vram then is on my card.
Whatever these artifacts that people are having is, I suspect that maybe perhaps it has something to do with Vram on your video card being overtaxed and printing nonsense images over what is also a legitimate display in the sim.

Someone mentioned Aerosoft Liveries Simple Traffic carrying all the major airlines logos.
Question: If Aerosoft can show all these Liveries , why didn’t MS incorporate selectable liveries inside the sim ? I thought it was a Legal Issue ? Is is legal for me to build and market addon aircraft with the Delta Logo ? Without express permission from Delta ?

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I am sure that Aerosoft has appropriate licenses and permissions. Otherwise they could close their store when all airlines send their lawyers.

No, of course not.

Well, I would think that a company the size of Microsoft would easily acquire livery licenses and be able to let us select what livery we want to show. It would do wonders for their marketing. So if I do not purchase and run the Aerosoft Simple Traffic addon, I suppose I will never see any of those cute liveries and be limited to only those in the sim which is why I usually see F18’s as a Cessna flying at unheard of speeds.

Always this argument “companies with the size of Microsoft”. :wink: MS also has to work economically. And if they think it’s not worth the effort, then we have to live with it. Livery licenses have never been an issue for Microsoft. Not in any version. Why should Microsoft bother with additional licenses when third party vendors do it too?

Because it would be a nice marketing draw and it might just increase the Revenue Stream for their “Game of the Year” and they have hardly any real life liveries and Aerosoft has plenty of real licenses ?..seems a bit odd to me.

I think we are going in circles here. Aerosoft has been making traffic addons for flight simulators (including P3D, FSX, X-Plane) for a very long time. So they will have the appropriate licenses/permits. It is also a fact that Flight Simulator has always been just a pure platform on which third party vendors can then build, maintain and update their products. If you absolutely want to have realistic traffic, then you are free to buy appropriate addons. You are also free to create a wish list, but don’t get your hopes up that MS/Asobo will listen to those wishes. I would also like to have study level aircraft, but I know that this is only done by third parties. So I live with having to open my wallet. But I don’t know it any other way. Not with Flight Simulator and not with X-Plane. You can’t always get everything for free.

Simple Traffic has been pulled from the Marketplace and also from your content manager, remember to reinstall your dlc’s since you need to remove your reserved space on xbox because you cant uninstall since it wont be in content manager anymore but still active in sim. I did a regund request now

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Still fps drops, stutters, CTDs every where on ground surfaces though the beta testing and the Sim Update 10 Beta on Xbox Series X

Interesting, thanks for the info

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