Official Discussion: June 2nd, 2022 Dev Update

The problem with delay is there is no guarantee that there would still be no issues.


It’s not really a delay. Reading between the lines and extrapolating from the past, I think the beta is starting very soon, like in the next 2 weeks, maybe much sooner. The previous betas haven’t really broken most of the really important mods and 3rd party content – WT, FBW, Aerosoft, etc. almost entirely have been good to go. We’ll see what happens with Fenix and PMDG – those could be dealbreakers for lots of people – but I won’t be surprised if they work right off the bat.

Can anyone tell me what island it is at the beginning of the promo video for Local Legend 4? It’s from 00:13 to 0:41 on the footage. There are some most realistic and beautifu coast cliffs from MSFS. I’d really fly there and see.

Great, now us VR users have to wait till August to see that VR quality of life improvements continue to be neglected.


Anyone have details on WU10? Rumors or things that the devs have said about it so far? Curious that it’s still TBA so close to the release date.


WU could be anything, however I think it can go 2 ways. A previous update gets a new update or it could be delayed. If it was something spectacular they probably would’ve announced it already.

Less stress for ALL MSFS Dev Teams :+1: (Not just Asobo )

It can’t be. The plane is the delayed one that was supposed to coincide with Italy update.


Very wise decision! :+1:t2:

I’d rather live with shimmer, broken Toolbar etc. for a extra month and see base improvements to the sim (for all, and VR is hardly broken), rather than having to relive bug after bug been introduced on a not so stable platform that we have now.

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We have to live more than 2 months with that crash all second fly, omg and there is no guarantee for a fix in august

msfs 2020 error


PLS fix the Navigraph WSSS runway 02R and 20L also for some weird reason my peformance is worst than the previous couple updates ago

better you not wait and move on. dont hold your breath on VR improvements.

WUX will be announced on Sunday, June 12th during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase.
This is part of the

If they got it “more right”, for want of a better expression, in the first place there’ll be less stress all round as a consequence.

This good.

Now let’s get a beta soon and then LISTEN this time and fix things.


What’s the joke here? This is what the vast majority on this forum asked for!

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What is the update in the dev update? the pictures ? ■■■

Not really a constructive post, but hey, this is an open forum. So to answer you


  • a road map for the next 4 months
  • delay of SU10 to August
  • planning of wu11
  • Release dates for two more local legends

Lots of news, actually.

What are your expectations for these kind of announcements?


Why the hell do they always set a release date for every update more than two months ahead. How can they be sure the update will be ready by then??? I’m sorry it seems to me they still haven’t learned anything. What’s the point of slowing down the update frequency when they keep setting release dates not when they know it’s ready but when they think it will be ready by then??? Why don’t they just say we start the beta in June or July and will release it when it’s ready??? What’s the issue with that?

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