Official Discussion: September 17th, HOTFIX []

How long have you worked for Asobo?


That cannot* possibly be a video from just before SU5 as thousands** of people on this forum, assured anyone and everyone that the sim was PERFECT before SU5 - when the sim was “butchered” to make it work on the Xbox, which “ruined” it, made it “unflyable” and many other hyperbolic statements.


**Actually, they just CLAIMED it was thousands, whereas it was more like 20 but they were so vociferous and insistent that it just felt like thousands.

SU5 had its issues for some, but it was a huge step forward, especially for performance. The biggest issue for me, was putting up with idiot conspiracy theorists on this forum - many of which were caused by snobbery and the ridiculous belief that a ‘real’ flight sim does not belong on a games console.


Psst, I’m going to let you in on a secret: there are people who actually like this sim! I know, I know, hard to believe, right? Yet here we are, having no game-breaking issues with it, just enjoying it!


The update from the store was easy and seamless as well as the in-game update. I have flown for over an hour in the Boston area and I’m seeing a lot of stutters that were not present after SU5 and WU6. I feel that SU5 and WU6 had phenomenal performance when the sim wasn’t crashing. I did however not see any CTDs as of yet with this hotfix.

I’m one of them :kissing_heart:


seem like, who ever is responsible, can’t even fix the vote system up top? after eight hours of users pointing it out? imagine what they can’t do with more complex things like a flight game.

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All - Suspision on my part, have no proof. I think they are dumming down the game so the X-box players do not get lost in the shuffle, and leave in mass, asking for refunds. Real quick check, the X version is 499 US and the S version is 299. The S version released last November. So those purchased then are not refundable. Not sure about any of that, again, read first sentence.

So assuming 100,000 purchases of both versions over the last year, and 1/4 to 1/2 are Premium Purchasers of the game, we are talking about a significant chunk of money. In the millions of dollars. So keep this in mind when wondering why this game is giving you fits as pc owner. Money Talks and B S walks. All that money is commanding, duming down of the game and the install/update process geared toward all those folks using consols. Please don’t argue, my point of view, but go bach through this thread post by post (ignore mine) and count how many folks have/are having problems 80-90% are.

NOTE: Finally, I have gotten the patch to download, I opened the game and updated the one Content Manager Airport which had small patch. I am in process of putting back community folder contents, 4 items, one of which not sure it even works. I am going to try to install a freeware C-17 plane I got the other evening, it gets as far as showing up in CF and in CM, but says not installed. Again, have not figured it out either. I spend (as do many, many, many) way to much time (and hair pulling out) trying to get this game to work like it should (like every single other game I have tried over the years or use now (FSX) but continues to cause me trouble, switches don’t work, atc, blah, blah, blah. Like many, there is a level of frustration I am getting real close too, where it’s NOT WORTH ALL THE TROUBLE it causes me to continue to play it. I am speaking to PC gamers, the X-Box crowd won’t have near the issues, because the process is now geared toward them, cannot lose them, money train. All they make from the PC crowd is price of game, from console people, price of console, price of game, and all the other x-box games in the deal. I rest case.


The people that are not having problems generally don’t post here. They go flying
like the 5000+ currently enjoying the sim on Steam.


Jeez, people are STILL peddling this anti Xbox rhetoric and conspiracy theories? :man_shrugging::man_facepalming::roll_eyes:


Yes, same here. Not problems and works beautifully. No more pop ins of NY skyline. Its curious why so many people are having problems. I assume there is a common denominator somewhere. I swore from day one not to install any add ons and to keep it simple. Its not broken for me so I am not going to try to “fix” it.

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Yep, I couldn’t run the sim at all before SU5, too many crashes, freezes, etc. Now, nearly a year after release I can finally fully enjoy the sim and with great performance. Have not had a single CTD after SU5 and no, the graphics are not worse, the clouds are not worse (except the reflections), VR is not worse, updates are not worse. I think most people having problems is either something on their end for pc players or network connectivity issues for both pc and xbox users. When you start MSFS and it’s loading, unless you’re in offline mode, it’s actually a loading a ton of stuff from the servers and barely anything at all from local files. Any slight glitch or hang up will cause the sim to crash. Is that a problem that needs fixing
 yes. Is that a problem with the sim code that Asobo keep messing up every single time because they’re completely incompetent
 no. Asobo invented many new technologies to bring us this game, I would not say they are incompetent or not trying. They are also overseen by Microsoft, which besides Windows (and only some of them) is really bad at making software
 mostly because of poor decisions. I’m sure those poor decisions get handed down to Asobo to deal with


The inescapable truth is that there is an almost infinite combination of PC’s, hardware, software, peripherals, overclocking, dozens of questionable addons, tinkering with files and settings and on and on and on. Now take what is arguably the most complex piece of consumer software, and some folks are going to have problems.


You have no proof because it doesn’t exist and your suspicion is wrong. Also you clearly have no clue what an Xbox even is
 it’s a PC in a different form factor.


Well you are wrong

I know you might find it hard to believe, but there are people who actually like the sim and are having very little issues. Luckily I’m one of them.


Every time an update comes out and these topics get made, the mods should just name the topic “Update xxxx - list your complaints here” because that’s all this ever is. That’s all 80% of this forum is.


I don’t suppose you would care to elaborate? Without context your post seems pointless and inflammatory.

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Some of you are correct, and some of you are wrong. I may be wrong, which is fine by me. Some info:
I was able to copy CF into real CF and all those add-ons work and show up. I installed the freeware C-17 into the CF and it now shows up correctly. My UPS went out last Monday, and today I received it’s replacement, in setting it up, failed to route JS cable in such a way I can use it now I got to shut down and re-route wires again. TMI. Regardless, for me, after several hours of frustrations, it works at least as far as main display, and short test of the C-17 at PMDY. I will attempt a flight later on and see what happens. It seems to load flight faster. The game itself takes about as long as ever to load and initialize. For stabality, aint got clue. Visuals are nice, but too busy staying alive to see it.

Yep, and to take it one step farther, a friend of mine has the exact same CPU and GPU as I do, yet they are having FPS issues and CTD issues, yet I am not and I have no idea how to explain why.

Anti aliasing is more broken after the hotfix