Official Documentation Manual

Will Microsoft ever be going to issue a formal Manual for MSFS2000 as the sim is now over a year old and there is still no official documentation. SoFly has issued a costed Guide (Extended Editiinion) which is very good but limited in in-depth data. It’s about time MS wrote the manual for free release.

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I agree, it would be good to have some kind of manual. I’ve been looking at eye Sofly one and will probably buy it. The only thing is I prefer to have a physical manual so I wonder if this can be printed.

They have never made a manual for previous versions of FS.
Do you really think they will do one for MSFS ?
The best option if you want one is to write it.

Manual for a game? It’s 2021, there’s internet now.

Yes they have. I had version 1.0 on a mac back in 1985. :slight_smile:

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I paid extra for the Premium Deluxe boxed version and got two guides and a keychart.

You get what you pay for.

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Sorry, you are right, I remember having a manual with my first FS.
It was FS4 on PC.
Anyway, I’m not sure Mac versions should be taken in account.

I have the Premium Deluxe version but to DL not boxed.
Honestly, I prefer not to have a never updated manual than to have to use so many DVDs to install.

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Are there areas of the simulator which you would want explained in detail in a manual? Most things regarding setup and functions can be found here in the forum. Anything related to flying can easily be found online and plenty of other places. The idea behind the platform is it should be simple enough to dive in without pouring over manuals to figure things out. That’s where the tutorials and lessons built into the sim come into play.

FS9 came with a basic starting guide, but that was the last version I bought prior to this.

Yes MSFS lacks a proper online or ingame manual.

Paper is a bit nineties… There is a link you can buy paper too… but for details about dialogs I doubt if it
was updated since 24-8-2020,

Another digital version

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The help and information contained on this forum would make an awesome and comprehensive manual.

Trouble is, you would need to keep updating it and this would become a full time job for one if not two or three people.

If you did it properly, you could make good money peddling other people’s expertise third hand.

And I agree with the hidden comment above that the troubleshooting section would be the largest portion of the manual, and this will remain the case for years, IMHO

SoFly pdf, Yes it can

On line is ok

That’s wrong, they did make manuals for previous sims. Flight Simulator 95, 98 and 2000 all had manuals. Flight Simulator 2000 had two versions a standard and a professional. Both had manuals but the professional version was like a book with more information in it.

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The boxed version has a small guide in it.

Yes that’s right, the tutorials that don’t even mention the use of rudder. One of the basic controls of flight :rofl:
So in this example, yes a manual would be helpful. It’s like saying why do people read a physical book when you can just read it online. Some people prefer to read something physical.

Truthfully, I’m a manual person myself, so I get it. But, the challenge of covering the topic of “how to fly a plane” is probably not something they should take on. Lots of places to get REAL how to information that can easily be ported to flight simulation.

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Here are two Wishlist topics you can check out:

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I just want to be able to print out a list of the keyboard commands…

I think a manual would be outdated a month after publication given this is a 10 year living project which will change over time. Anything and everything is prone to change including the UI.