Hi everyone!
I hope those who had some time off over the holiday rested well and you enjoyed some down town with family or friends. Happy new year! To kick off the new year, I am hoping to find more community members who would like to be “Tour Guides” on the official MSFS Twitch streams! A tour guide is someone who plans a 1-ish hour flight plan and takes the community over that part of the world and shares details about the area, geography, culture, or any interesting facts you have to share! I’ve had a ton of fun learning about places all over the world with community members over the past several months, and would love to keep it going.
Minimum Requirements
- Microphone and ability to use Discord or Zoom
- Some knowledge of an area of the world you are passionate about (be it where you live or a place that is meaningful to you)
- Availability on a pre-planned Friday between 1900Z and 2200Z
Bonus Points
- Video camera
- Some knowledge of OBS (to share your sim screen while we fly)
- Flight planning abilities
- Twitch experience
If you are interested in joining me as a Tour Guide on a future community stream, please DM me the following information:
1. Do you meet the minimum requirements? If so, do you meet any of the bonus points?
2. Where would you like to give a tour of and why?
3. What is your Discord username?
4. What is your Twitch username?
5. Any other comments or questions?