[Official] Rise of a Pilot - Career Mode Livestream Series

Join Microsoft Flight Simulator Community Manager SeedyL – a real-life private and glider pilot and former ground school (classroom) instructor at a flying school – as he teaches viewers about aviation using the Career Mode in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024! :small_airplane:

In this livestream video series, SeedyL will start a new pilot career in MSFS 2024 and progress through the training and certifications, using the sim to explain aviation concepts and flying techniques encountered throughout Career Mode. If you’re new to flight simming, this will be a great opportunity to learn more about flying, and if you’re an experienced simmer, you can be entertained by SeedyL’s commentary or share your aviation expertise with other viewers in the chat who may have questions. :slight_smile:

Viewers in Twitch chat will have the opportunity to vote on how SeedyL’s pilot career should proceed, for example voting on which missions to take next or which certifications to pursue.

What: Career Mode Livestream hosted by a real pilot
Where: The Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Twitch channel
When: Every Tuesday at 11:00am Pacific Time (1900 UTC)


The first episode is starting in about 15 minutes on our official Twitch channel! Hope to see lots of new and returning sim pilots in the chat! :small_airplane:

Episode 2 starts in 30 minutes on our Twitch channel. Hope to see many of you there as we learn more about aviation and answer many of your questions as I progress through my virtual pilot career! :small_airplane:

This sounds awesome! Looking forward to learning more about aviation from a real pilot. Can’t wait for the first livestream!

I can’t find the first two in the series. Please help.

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Where can I find the first episode?

Twitch doesn’t save past streams after 7 days. It would have to be downloaded and uploaded to another place like youtube, which I don’t think they did.