Offline Flying Feature?

Have you submitted a Zen desk bug report? Put it on MS’s radar?
It’s supposed to work,and does work for others.

It’s not that I don’t believe you that it’s broken for you, sorry. I agree, given how often the servers go down (once or twice a month so far), this is a sorely needed feature.

It is kind of ridiculous how fragile their server system is.

Yes I have submitted to Zendesk. :+1:

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I decided the dust off my trusty ol’ X-Plane 11 when MSFS wouldn’t let me fly. I had forgotten how much I loves and miss all my private jets in X-Plane :sob:

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Yeah was something else entirely. It didn’t even start, just kept asking for the disc.

I guess for offline play I’ll stick to P3D and XP. Outages of this kind are very rare anyway so it’s not a big deal.

My understanding is the purpose of offline mode is to be able to fly without any access to the internet.

There is something wrong. But I don’t know what it is. It should have worked for you.

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