Was just curious if anyone’s run across the Gulf of Mexico oil rig location?
I’d been missing seeing the oil rigs flying over SoCal and finally added placements with the default model for Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara Oil Rig placements • Flight Simulator 2020
…and also added placements for Cook Inlet in Alaska
Alaska - Cook Inlet Oil Rig placements • Flight Simulator 2020
Yeah I downloaded them as well but haven’t actually flown out to see them yet. So many new freeware items are uploaded each day I can’t keep up with it all. Good thing flightsim.to keeps track of the files you’ve downloaded recent updates as well. Makes management much easier.
Thanks for the oil rigs. They led me to fly out of Santa Barbara CA airport. Flying due east do you see a Matterhorn type mountain just inland? As I fly toward it it disappears just south of the city of Santa Barbara. Has nothing to do with your add on.
Anxious for helicopters in MSFS, but know it’s going to be a while. I used to love running choppers out to land on the oil rigs in X-Plane. A least we have some to look at if not land on!
Land a Savage Cub on it instead!
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Or land an Icon A5 in the sea next to it
He hee, I was having fun landing oilrig heli pads in MS Flight using Carbon Cub, really fun!
Someone will send picture of this in a few minutes in MSFS, it may not be possible though. 
Note: ss from MS Flight
yeah, it’s a common terrain issue right now - happens everywhere… hopefully will be sorted in the next update
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I tried
No collision on the helipad.
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