I’m just a 20+ year simmer whos been flying the rotary role in pretty much every game/sim. (Commanche, Longbow, FSX, P3D, XP, Battlefield 1-4, 7D2D, Arma1-3) VR’s native 6DOF adds an advantage to one’s peripheral vision/ situational awareness during rotary flight.
Here’s the location
No it doesn‘t. Obviously you can‘t fly a 172 at M1.2 but it doesn‘t matter, every aircraft feels differently at different speeds and as a real pilot in this airplane you can tell from the change of sound and feel if you are close to overspeed or nearly falling out of the sky. You can fly your airplane savely with only your senses. That will not work in MSFS sinse the sim and the airplane doesn‘t tell you about speed except with the airspeed indicator.
Remember this is a simulator, not an arcade racer with added effects
I don‘t mean to unreasonably add effects to create drama but an airframe starts to buffet or shake (some more some less but all tell you at some point) if they are going to drop out of the sky and they all become loud and even start to vibrate at (close) Vne. It defines Vne that the airstream becomes unhealthy. It really doesn‘t matter if it‘s an ASK13 or an F18.
It would ve super hard and a huge and probably unfeasible effort to make every default aircraft behave and react correctly at and beyond their limits of their flight envelope but a certain logic would be amazing anyway. With today‘s help of AI there might be opportunities for added „immersion“ soon.
At a second glance: typos may be kept happy new year
I disagee. Your observation might apply to small aircraft, but many airliners and fast military jets can go easily faster than Vmo without any shaking or vibration.
Even at Vdf there’s not necessarily a significant amount of cues to tell that you are going past the design limit.
EVERY single movement at a very high speed is extremely noticable to the body, even if the airframe stays calm. Inertia leads to higher g-forces and every movement at a high speed will be noticable. This lacks in every sim for quite obvious reasons and there are subtle but effective ways to bring this into a flight sim for the senses we have here. That’s camera and sound. If you take DCS for example there is a very good sense of speed if you do what the OP describes. There is some kind of subtle movement, camera, airframe, etc. Some kind of camera blur, too. Take the HB F14 in DCS, you can always tell if you’re fast or slow without looking at the instruments. Other addons not so much. Almost none at all in MSFS. It’s currently mostly up to the devs but with the huge leap in technology that we have with what we call AI it’s probably not that unlikely to bring this into every sim comparably easier to older sims. In the A2A Comanche for example using the Accusim technology (P3D too) it’s quite simple to determine if you’re fast or slow. Of course we don’t feel the plane like we would in reality but they managed to trick our remaining senses so that we do get what’s happening in a very subtle way. And even in a real 747 the pilots can close their eyes and tell a difference if they fly 250kts at 5000ft or 340 kts. In a C172 or a twin TP Skyvan it will become really loud at Vne, uncomfortable on the controls. You feel that you shouldn’t go much faster. I don’t know the Vne of an F18 but at M1.2 at low level it should be quite close as well. You’ll notice every bump.
I shouldn’t have to use VR or triple screens to feel a decent sense of speed. Ace Combat for example has an even worse sense of speed! However, games like Ride 4/5, TT 3 or Forza Motorsport for example relay a good sense of speed without any of that NFS camera nonsense.
Flight Simulator needs to “simulate” the world moving faster at higher speeds. I can swear the earth below me is moving at the exact speed at 700+ kts as it does at 300-400 kts. That can’t be right. If I’m picking up speed and flying at the same altitude… Say 200-300 feet, the speed at which I’m passing by objects needs to be faster, no?
Please don’t convince me to use VR just to feel a decent sense of speed.
Since we’re on the subject, why does the controller start shaking almost violently in fighters after mach 1.7 at altitude?
Doesn’t matter which jet. When I’m about to reach mach 1.8 at 40-50k the controller vibrates like mad. Aren’t jets like the Felon, Falcon, Grippen, Tomcat all mach 2+ capable and cause no “shaking” or vibrating of the plane at those speeds when flying really high where the air is very thin?
I’ve noticed this happening since a few months, was fine before that.
Speed is simulated correctly in the sim. Speed is nothing but way per time and that’s simple maths. You can easily measure it. If you flew faster you’d fly faster.
I don’t get what you want, honestly. Speed is not discussable, it’s an equation of distance divided by time. If you want those american desert cactuses to fly by faster at the same speed you need to zoom out. They’ll start to become visible in the middle of your screen and slowly move to the side, then accelerate beside you until you pass them. If that’s what you want you can cheat your perception with zoom. On a 2D screen that’s the only way to do it. Speed is not a matter of perception, it’s physics and math. What we perceive in reality and what I spoke about above is the EFFECTS of speed on our senses. There are G-Forces which we can’t feel at the computer. There is the effect of air around an airframe resulting in diffferent noise levels, buffeting etc which can be simulated but isn’t very well in MSFS. But you can’t move something faster while going at the same speed. That’s simply impossible, how should that work after all… We’re not warping here.
That’s going a little off topic, let’s keep it brief…
From my theory lessons “back then” Vno (normal operation) is the start of the yellow “smooth air” band in a piston airplane ending in Vne (never exceed). Vmo would be “max operating” in a jet/TP in correct terms, or am I mixing it up? However, yes, no officially “ne” called speed in jet powered planes. I was talking about the red line ^^
Well, you know the length of your favourite runway. You can do quick and dirty testing by counting time in your head. Pick three aircraft that can hold 100kts, 300kts, and 500kts. Do some fly by tests. How many times are the speeds off?
OP wants Need For Speed/ Ace Combat immersion effects and gimmicks in MSFS to enhance the single monitor viewing experience, but just doesn’t want to admit it. That’s totally ok and understandable.
At the end of the video I even followed a highway/road and the immersion of speed is even intense going under 120 knots. Do I really need to hop into anything faster at this point to feel completely terrified while hugging ground terrain?
Overall I’d say MS/Asobo did a great job with MSFS. The sense of scale and speed is certainly there in MSFS and amazing as is.
Along with enhancement tools like FS Realistic everything you need to make an immersive speed filled experience is there. Uneven Terrain Landing/Frame Shake/ Reverse Throttle Buffer etc etc.
I haven’t had one dull “fly on rails” experience in MSFS in a very long time with all these cool peripheral tools and gadgets we are blessed with.
If you aren’t getting the "nervous butterfly everything happens quickly " immersion with landings like these…maybe it’s time to switch up peripherals and try something new?