OLED vs Q-LED in dark room


Been at the store (again). They had a Samsung QN95A, and a LG C2. The C1 is becoming harder to find.
Difficult to replicate low ambient light in the store, but I turned the brightness up and on both and played with a few settings. Basically both are awesome.
In those conditions I preferred the OLED, but the QLED was not much behind in general.
The concern for burn in could make me decide for the QLED, though.
I didn’t test in dark scene content, but I’m sure the OLED would take that.

The new QN95B looks pretty sweet as well, but being new model,is costing more than 2000 Eur.
If I could still find a C1 at around 1300-1400 Eur, I’d probably take it instead.

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OLED is the best of the best, the most beautyful colour and the deepest black, OLED is the most vivid and beautyful picture quality you can get.

And you don´t want to go with Samsung stuff that fails after two years exactly one month after you ran out of warranty hm? And Samsung is QLED :wink: so better don´t touch it and steer directly over to the LG and Panasonic screens.

I think unless you are going to watch a lot of movies and streaming content in 4K HDR those TV’s might be overkill. Your looking at some very high-end TV’s, especially with the QN95 series.

It’s more for the 4k / 120 Hz, low input lag and response times, as I will use it more for gaming than general content tv.

You can get all those features for a lot less with the Q70, Q80, or Q85 series TV’s.

Just be thankful it’s not the ‘old days’, where it cost $3000 for the a ‘widescreen’ 30" proscan (and in 90’s dollars, so $5000) and it was outdated and outclassed in a year, buy another hero that was outdated in a year… The Salvation Army wouldn’t even take my Proscan away. $1500 for a television is peanuts, and if you get 5 years out of it it’s cheaper than dirt(literally, my yearly lawn service costs more). Just found a receipt for an old computer where I paid $380(in 1990 dollars) for ONE MEGABYTE of VRAM, which doubled the ‘power’. All this stuff is cheap, so who cares if it only goes 5 years. OLED owns all. That’s $300/year for thousands of hours of awesomeness.

Check Amazon for a C1. They’re still in stock in the US. I would think the C2 would start coming down into the C1 range by now? Probably by the holiday season.

Although the euro is in the toilet right now, I’ve been ordering TONS of stuff from overseas right now VAT free.

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Thanks all for sharing the opinions.

Ended up getting the LG C1 65’’ for a fair price.
First impressions, I am very happy with the image, as expected anyway.
Burn in anxiety is still somewhat my mind, but I think I will stop caring too much about it soon, and just take the basic precautions and enjoy the TV.

For FS, I like keeping the screen on during long flights if I am sitting by the computer doing something else, and I think I will continue to do that, whether virtual cockpit or outside spot view.
If I’ll not be at the computer, I will just turn the TV off.


I don’t think I’d sweat burn in unless it was something like a driving sim where that same exact tach ring for the instruments hud is in the exact same spot for every single minute regardless of what car it was, maybe, and that would take hours and hours of never leaving a race/drive.

I think you have a point there.
Although there could be a tendency on the long run for sky and cockpit zones, it would be impossible to have exactly the same pixels static in every flight.

I’m not sure what the definitive ‘burn in’ point would be for oled, I’m sure nothing like an old plasma, which would usually work out any static images from game huds. Possibly if you leave the game’s hud overlay up in interior view??

I don’t use the HUD in internal cockpit, which is the view I use almost 100% of the time, but if I was to do a long flight in external view, I would disable HUD in this view too.

There’s the review from RTINGS, which probably every OLED owner or potential owner has seen at this point, where they did not experienced burn in from Call Of Duty HUD which seems is not very bright. On the other hand, FIFA left some burn in on score banners and other permanent panels, but this was after thousands of hours displaying the same content.