On the runway and taxiway, the (side) rudder does what it wants [X52 Hotas Prof. ]

especially after landing, on the runway and taxiway, the rudder does what it wants, but not what I want. Example: I steer left - the rudder twitches to the left, then it goes itself to the right. It is impossible to move like this on the runway! Under Windows Settings/Calibration and in the Flight Simulator Settings the rudder works perfectly! Only during the game, especially on the runways after landing, it does not work - do it what it wants.

Ok, some more facts (in pictures - because of my bad english):

Tryed “ReaktivitĂ€t” to zero, but it don’t help

a short video - I tryed to follow the blue line!!! :frowning:

Check your [auto rudder] assistance settings, sounds like a similar issue to what I had.

And please, if you have issues like that, mention the airplane you see this behaviour with, in case it happens with all of them tell us too. Otherwise it‘s nothing but a wild guessing game.

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thanks, but auto rudder at start is off
That what you mean?

Other Ideas?

done -see topic
perhaps you have a idea

Live weather? Windy day? Small aircraft?*

Test - 1
Set weather Clear sky + no wind.

Place your aircraft at an angle to the wind.

Test - 2

Use DIView to actually see what your input controls are doing. Any flutter or spikes on an axis or key that might be mapped to a rudder control?

Wind will impact ground handling of larger aircraft also.
I was flying the Fiat G.91 yesterday. It’s a 3000kg jet plane and with a cross wind on take off I still had to stamp on the rudder pedal.

Every plane (more or less) has this wrong behavior.
In third party devs forums it’s full of thread trying to improve physics on the ground.
We need to wait Asobo

I’sad - support (zendesk) wrote, that I have to look in this forum - no more help :frowning:

Thanks, I try tomorrow (today no more time)

Just for clarity.

You opened a ticket with Zendesk regarding this rudder issue and their response was “ask the community”?

Was that their only response? There were no other suggestions?

What is the ticket number?

Ticket ID: 126885

After this answer, they colsed it ;-(
But I opened it again, because i found no solution

check if you have rudder-axis programmed 

MSFS will do weird stuff when you have multiple buttons/switches/axis programmed to do the same stuff as in rudder axis AND rudder right / rudder left

choose 1 and remove the other option

Hi All, Thank you for support!

I found a workarround / solution :fireworks: :full_moon_with_face: :sunny:

Main problem is, that “assisted landing” and “assisted Take Off” don’t work correct while you are on ground on taxiway or runway. Especially after landing, when your speed slows down and a time x is gone, then Assist completly went wrong!
And use USB 2 not USB 3/3.1

I’m happy with these settings:

Depends to pilot and aircraft:


again - Thank you: Nyx1819; Ephedrin87; somethingbrite; GIEI; somethingbrite; SteveOhhNo and “Schneegans” from JayDee Community ( Discord channel)

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