On the runway and taxiway, the (side) rudder does what it wants [X52 Hotas Prof. ]

Hi All, Thank you for support!

I found a workarround / solution :fireworks: :full_moon_with_face: :sunny:

Main problem is, that “assisted landing” and “assisted Take Off” don’t work correct while you are on ground on taxiway or runway. Especially after landing, when your speed slows down and a time x is gone, then Assist completly went wrong!
And use USB 2 not USB 3/3.1

I’m happy with these settings:

Depends to pilot and aircraft:


again - Thank you: Nyx1819; Ephedrin87; somethingbrite; GIEI; somethingbrite; SteveOhhNo and “Schneegans” from JayDee Community ( Discord channel)

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