Hi all
I’ve posted this on the Onair forum but not had no response to it so I thought I try here to see if any body knows about it
Yesterday I decided to do a check ride in a bigger and more powerful plane so I rented a king air 350i Problam 1 was I chose a plane at EGTO. thats Rochester airport in Kent England and the runways are not long enough to get the aircraft up safely. I’m having to push the air craft back to well before the start of the runway to give me enough length to get up and that’s still very tight to not stall the aircraft
2nd problam I have and not sure if this is real or a fault. I start the check ride and climb as she says. I climb 6000 and turn 350 degrees. She then tells me to maintain 350 and 6000ft for a few minutes. Then the cockpit goes black as if some one has turned off all battery and avionic switches. What makes it worse the check ride is at night for me so when all lights and avionics go off maintaining 6000 and 350 degree is I’m possible Is this right? Or has something gone wrong for me. That’s a little bit to difficult don’t you think. I tried this 4 times. Every time is a struggle to get aircraft into air as it wants to stall from lack of air speed as runwaynot long enough and 2 of the times when I do get plane up all avionics go and plane is cold and dark with engines still running. Surely that’s not right . I YouTube a 350 checkride and they did not get black screens. To be fare the checkride looked quite easy so what I experienced is a fault? Any body have same issue and what can I do about it
I think you only get 6 attempts at a check ride and I’ve used 4 so don’t really want to mess this up again
If I remember right, you have to manually turn off the starter switches on that one or the generators won’t work. If that’s the case, then you’re running out of battery.
Edit - found a quick video that shows a successful start:
Like @tclayton2k said, check the start and GEN switches. Here is a previous post detailing that:
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I will give that a go
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