+1 . Was able to rent planes / get jobs even in crappy little airports here in ireland . One week trial is totally free , no need to enter payment info .
I paid for a one year sub ( € 35 ) . Just leave out the booze and a Domino’s for a weekend , LoL !!
( P.s Moaners gonna moan , no matter what . Each to their own . )
Exactly. I don’t mind genuine OnAir users sharing their experience, keeping the word out to expand their community. More players, more fun. I do the same thing for FSEconomy.
But this low effort advertisings; especially the ones that try to grab attention by mentioning FSE, do not belong here. Reported for spam
I would not report ZKikul yet before he had a chance to explain.
If he is a genuine user he certainly reads the replies to his thread and will respond and say what he is actually doing. But my first impression was that he only opens new threads and pastes a link to some product that needs advertising.
In the last 2 weeks there were also a large number of posts about OnAir all over the net (even in the FSE forum) and I saw only few that were critical assessment by users. I had never heard about OnAir in 12 months before, and since 2 weeks ago it jumps in my face wherever I look. Maybe that’s only because of MSFS, but it could also be a campaign. That in combination with the high subscription price, has made me suspicious. Guerilla marketing and hypocrisy are the last things we need in the world of flight simulations.
Appreciate your input, but I take exception to your description of a “high subscription price”. A years subscription is 35 euros. That’s 3 euros a month. I paid 4 euros for a teeny tiny unrefillable cigarette lighter that was empty and thrown away after a week in Paris, 10 years ago. 3 Euros now wouldn’t buy me a single burger at any burger place. A daily newspaper for those that still get them can be 2 euros. A print magazine like PC gamer is 7 euros etc etc. As with a lot of subscriptions, including gamepass, ps+, EA access etc the price per month goes lower the longer you take out a sub for. a 24 month sub is 2.38 euros a month.
On-Air I think is gathering traction fast because the many hundreds of thousands of newbies to flight sims but have bought into MSFS get an easy to set up and use interface, and not because of “guerilla marketing”.
Well, I must say I’m not in anyway affiliated with OnAir or any of the products I shared here. I’m just new to this world and found a website that has news about addons for flight simulator and shared some here. I find it useful to keep track of new things. No other intention besides that, just sharing what I found! There’s so much stuff being developed and so much utilities that may help users take more advantage from the game that I thought it would be a good idea to post about some of that.
Fair points, But what I meant is that it’s a high subsrctiption price from the point of view of the developers.
The effort to develop this game is comparable to a browser game. It’s a database, a server and a small client to show spreadsheets and maps. If you were to use it for 10 years they will receive 300$ from you whereas a browser game without subscription would be perhaps 5$.
I would find it ok if I were to use it on a regular basis but also a bit shameless from their side. FSE sometimes asks for donations to maintain and recommends 5$ every 2 years, so that’s the actual cost to run such an application, the rest is profit.
Therefore I am trending towards Air Hauler 2 which is also quite expensive but doesn’t try to shackle me to my account with a monthly subscription.
I use OnAir and consistently mention it on here when relevant? Why?
I want people to continue to use MSFS.
I want people to use OnAir so they continue enjoy MSFS as I have been enjoying it.
If people continue to use a product, the more support it gets.
I don’t get the “its annoying they discuss that here” when ultimately it’ll result in more people using MSFS and therefore better support. Besides, people aren’t (i dont think) forcing people to use OnAir. The fact we mention it often is proof it works for us!
The world today has become soooo sceptical (which is totally understandable too) so its not your fault.
Yes I see what you mean now, and somewhat agree. As a new simmer (my last one was in the 1990s) I don’t mind paying a reasonably small amount for the extra convenience of it’s features and UI over the only other I’ve tried which is FSE.
I’ve heard mentions on this forum of Air Hauler and Sky Park I think the other is called so will keep an eye out for those as well. I hope by then I’m not too invested in Dave’s Coaches (Gavin and Stacey pun) in OnAir lol.
FSEconomy is pretty amazing. I try to fit in at least one long flight a day on it! It’s allowed me to fly in places that I would never have and have a purpose as well to my longer flights. I was able to get an account a few days before they closed down. I would recommend waiting for accounts to re-open because it’s free so there’s no pressure to feel like you need to fly to get your money’s worth.
I don’t feel under pressure to fly to " get my money’s worth " .
What you get with this app is the same + more than FSEconomy .
Also , if you apply your logic to MSFS , you must be under serious pressure to fly each day , especially if you purchased the premium deluxe edition ?
( P.s excuse the rant . It’s just I’m starting to experience a " strange smell " from some of these posts . Kinda begins with a B and ends with a S ) .
I have 177 hours so far since release so no issues getting my money worth either way. All I know is that FSEconomy feels so nice and in-depth AND it’s 100% free and pretty simple to setup.
I waited 2 weeks for an FSE account. Since then I’ve been playing in OnAir. I simply don’t understand not being prepared for the massive rush they were going to get. Anyways I have an FSE account and I may give it a try but I’ve got 3 months of OnAir to really give it a whirl first. So far, I’ve really enjoyed OnAir.