Since the update, sometimes my menu goes down to 10-20 fps and limited by the main thread, which is utilised at about 20%.
When starting a flight, the fps were good, but when switching to VR : 15 FPS (I normally get around 30 FPS), CPU utilisation was also around 20%, GPU was even lower, then all of a sudden the FPS came right back (after like 15 minutes), I check the CPU, 40% utilisation, and it was limited by main thread the whole time.
Now, back to the menu issue (which I think is linked with the VR issue I had, because since the update I had these 2 fps drops), oddly enough when I disable online functionality, the fps come right back up and the CPU utilisation goes up too.
EDIT : If I disable each functionality (e.g. Multiplayer, Live Weather etc…) individually, the FPS stay low, only when I disable “Online Functionality” does the FPS go back up.
EDIT 2 : IDK if is a coincidence, but when starting MSI after burner the FPS went back up, and now it’s closed and the FPS stay high, I switched Online Functionality on and off and now the FPS are good… IDK why