đź“ŚOpen Mike MSFS2024 Q&A

This event has been replaced with a Q&A opportunity bundled into our first MSFS2024 flight event…scroll down below this calendar to locate details, or see other scheduled event with the red :pushpin:

No offence, but what is the point? If MS/Asobo are not involved, then it’s just going to be bunch of people moaning, can read the forums for that.

We need MS/Asobo involvement to be able to give feedback and answer Q&As.


Not so, we ran a Q&A session two days ago and great participation…you may want to be part of the problem, but we want to be part of the solution


What is the point of your comment? To Moan?

Guess starting with “No offence” is meaningless !!
How is me replying, being part of the problem ? I’m glad you had a productive session , and sure you all shared issues, but…
As I said, without MS/Asobo involvement it is more of the same, which is all over the forums. Does not matter how it’s formatted, without real answers from MS/Asobo, it gets no further forward. But each to their own, hence “no offence”

@Wilem35 Who is moaning! Learn to read!

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Your moaning isn’t offensive, it’s just moaning like the folks you mention in the forums. You may want to understand a word before using it. I take your comment as just more moaning and nothing productive.

It’s a fair comment. What’s the point of holding some kind of forum that doesn’t involve Asobo?

Who’s answering the questions? Who even has the authority to answer questions? If those answers aren’t coming from Asobo, who is attempting to speak for Asobo?

At best, a plan might be formed that no one can actually take action on, because we’re all just end users. At worst, it’ll just turn into an echo chamber of complaints and negativity.


It will all be speculations and what ifs. Without Asobo/Microsoft being involved it also can very soon start to live its own life with people taking those speculations as promises from Asobo/Microsoft.


@Wilem35 You really need to re-read what I posted… I was not moaning, I was saying others are moaning on the forum, or correctly, highlighting the issues. (already)

It’s a good idea, Gunny. Group think can sometimes take care of misunderstandings. I ran two events with 2020 and 2024 fliers simultaneously, last week. And it doesn’t always require input from MicroSobo. We all had a good time. And since we fly VORs, the double coordination was possible. I am really looking forward to the upgrade of JoinFS, a missing piece that we all need.