OPEN XR Color Settings for QUEST3

Has anyone configured their Open XR /color gains for the Quest 3 for more realistic true to life appearance? And if so, could you please share those settings with us?

Hi, I use a Quest 2. These are my display settings for MSFS with the openxr toolkit. I use these settings both day and night because I wanted a good sense of depth to my image (as opposed to being flat and washed out) and something that felt more natural. I just wasn’t quite seeing that with some of the other settings I’d previously tried.

At times, usually a brief window around dawn and dusk, this configuration may make the image a bit too dim though. As such, I simply disable post processing during that short period of time, if required.

Post Processing: On
Sunglasses: TruNite
Contrast: 55
Brightness: 55.5
Exposure: 36.5
Saturation: 49
Vibrance: 0
Highlights: 100
Shadows: 0

Color Gains:
Red: 44.5
Green: 47.5
Blue: 51.4


I only reduced brightness since it’s way too much in the sim and it became much more realistic day and night time.