Open XR toolkit realistic appearance/color settings in VR?

I am trying to achieve a more realistic coloring/lighting in VR with the openXR toolkit.
Goal is to get rid of saturated colors in landscapes but still retain the vibrant colors in cockpit instrumentation, aircraft liveries , blue sky, airport objects/signs/lights, high contrast light etc.

I tried this by lowering the color gains and compensating with increased vibrance.
Landscapes seem to be a bit more realistic (less saturated) without washing out the cockpit colors etc.
Keeping “Highlights” high seems to also retain the piercing effect of white,blue and green runway lights. Especially at night which I like.
I also turned down blue a bit more than red and green cause the typical blue-ish haze you see in real life seemed a bit overdone.

Would welcome any tips or advise/ improvements on my settings.
(I’m on Quest 2)


thanks, I’ll give these a shot. I’m looking towards a similar objective as well. :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas!

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