OpenComposite and SteamVR

What headset are you using?
If you would prefer to stick with OXR without StemVR:
For Reverb G2 you can bring the entire desktop to VR using native WMR Desktop function.
For the other headsets (and G2 as well) you can buy All In One Tablet from and use VNC function - it allows you controlling and seeing the desktop of another PC. If you want vPilot on this other PC you can use vPilot in remote mode.
If you don’t actually need to see the desktop in VR, but you only need to interact with Vatsim world you can use VSR Toolbar app.
I would not recommend FSDesktop, it’s stuck at early development stage with very limited mouse control options (no right click, no drag). Far from the maturity of FSKneeboard from the same developer.

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