OpenXR toolkit - hand tracking

Does anybody use OpenXR toolkit hand tracking with leap motion controller and Reverb G2?

With VR controllers working for me just fine, I’d like to buy the controller and use the hand tracking instead, but I’m not sure what the current stage of this functionality in OpenXR toolkit is.

Is it currently usable? Does someone use it on a permanent basis for an entire flight? I don’t need hand tracking for yoke and levers as I’m using hotas for that. I’d like to use it just for switches and knobs only.

It’s still very experimental I would say.

The challenges of implementing this outside of the game are huge, because all that OpenXR Toolkit does it to piggyback on the VR controller support, which has different requirements and usability quirks than hand tracking.

For example, keeping your hand stable while grabbing a knob and turning it is more challenging with hands than with the controller (partly because as your turn your hand, the tracking camera no longer sees all your fingers and might not continue to see that you are pinching the knob).

I am certainly interested in hearing from others - anybody using the hand tracking more “seriously” or consistently?

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I use hand tracking for the entire flight. And I really like it. Unfortunately, I can not find functions to disable and enable controllers during control (flight) - sometimes they just get in the way. Hands lie exactly the same as in reality. By the way, I have a Vive pro and its cameras can also track hands, I found how to do this on the manufacturer’s website, but I don’t know how to transfer it to your program.

Are you using the hand tracking through OpenXR Toolkit or SDraw/driver_leap?

I currently have a Leap Motion controller running and using the OpenXR Toolkit. But on the manufacturer’s website, I found the Vive Hand Tracking SDK Guide and tried one of the tests and the cameras do an excellent job of tracking. Of course, there will be one problem - in the dark, the cameras will not be able to track hands like Leap Motion does.

Gotcha! So I was having issues with the Vive OpenXR support, so I had to totally disable some of their stuff. That might explain why you can’t get it to work. I should probably revisit that (but it’s somewhat difficult too because I dont have that device).

Could you send me your OpenXR Toolkit log file so I could confirm if that might be the issue?

I did try to use the exact same combo, Leap Motion and G2.

As @mbucchia says, it is functional but experimental. I couldn’t get repeatable, usable control with my hands, so have reverted.
My flight time is quite limited so I probably could have refined it a bit more given the time to tweak, but I wanted to fly a bit more, rather than messing with settings, etc.

What the OXR-TK team have achieved is truly excellent work, but I think given the limitations of the Leap’s hand-tracking ability and the accuracy required in the cockpit and the ‘rough-around the-edges’ VR controller support provided in the game, it just feels a little way off yet.

That’s my thoughts on it, maybe others have had more success…
I don’t know whether the guys with the Quest 2 and it’s native hand tracking have had a better experience?

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