OpenXR Update from Nov 17th - Reverb G2 CTD after switching to VR and back


I’m with the OpenXR team at Microsoft.

There are a few outstanding issues that we have been made aware of. We want to thank the community for reporting these issues.

We are going to roll out an update to the OpenXR runtime later today which we believe will fix 2 issues that are causing crashes or failure to initialize the VR mode.

Please be sure to install the OpenXR Developer Tools for Windows Mixed Reality and enable “Use latest preview OpenXR runtime” in the “Developer Settings” tab. The versions that have the fixes are:

  • 108.2111.23004 (this one is rolled out gradually over a few days)
  • 109.2111.23003 (Preview - this one will go to everyone but needs to be explicitly enabled with the Developer Tools)

You may check what version you are using by inspecting the “System Status” tab (but please give it a few seconds to update after you switch to the preview runtime).

If you are not getting the new 109.2111.23003 version automatically, try to open the Microsoft Store and force the update from the “Download and updates” screen by clicking “Get updates”.

Again, this is not live yet, it should be available by the end of today (US time).

Thank you all for your patience.