OpenXR update today 109.2111.18007

Yes. In 60Hz you can even go as low as 15fps and reprojection still kicks in (15x4=60) but the artifacts are then clearily visible.
At 20fps, if not the propellers I wouldn’t even bother as they’re barely visible in normal flying with the latest OpenXR updates.

i have disabled my propellers (edited those .dds files to be transparent) and did remove also window scratches. Disabling propellers remove artifacts and give some FPS. Allways had give, there is propeller mod in thad make propeller more fps friendly (for Asobo´s planes only).

I will have to investigate it a bit more as the mods are limited and don’t always work as they should…

What settings are you using with SteamVR? We have similar specs (I’m on 5900X / 3080 / Reverb G2) but I can’t run SteamVR well with MSFS. What’s your main per-eye video resolution in SteamVR, and MSFS-specific per-application SS setting for Steam-VR?

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Yes , I am curious too as well. With Steam VR + FS2020 I had no good luck in the past, the native OpenXR application works better for me.

I am back top open XR. Changed settings to performance instead of quality. Runs better mow then steam. Open XR at 100 procent renderscale ingame at 95 Motion reprojection of.
In game settings ultra. Lod 300
Runs now around 25/30fps. Amazing quality!!
(Forced nvidia control panel to 30fps) this really seems to work.

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If you download the beta, do you have to do anything when the actual fix comes out, i.e could there be a compatibility issue with beta Vs Fix that needs attention?

Great mod indeed !

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